
Biotehnološki pristopi za zajem ogljika s poudarkom na uporabi gliv
ID Babič, Mia (Author), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi izrednih emisij CO₂ se soočamo s pretresljivimi vplivi na okolje. Poleg zmanjšanja emisij je za zmanjšanje količine CO₂ v atmosferi potrebno zajetje in skladiščenje ogljika. Ogljik v naravi kroži preko ponorov ogljika kot so atmosfera, kopenska biosfera in oceani. Za zajemanje ogljika so odgovorni organizmi, ki fiksirajo CO₂ za tvorjenje biomase. V večini so tej organizmi fototrofni, vendar so mikroorganizmi sposobni fiksacije CO₂ po raznovrstnih poteh. Ogljik se dolgoročno skladišči v prsti, sedimentih in oceanih. Nekatere mikroorganizme sposobne sekvestracije ogljika lahko uporabimo za proizvodnjo biogoriv. Te tehnologije imenujemo bioenergija za zajem in skladiščenje ogljika ali s kratico BECCS. Ob sekvestraciji ogljika lahko nekateri mikroorganizmi proizvajajo tudi druge proizvode z dodano vrednostjo, kot so farmacevtiki, kozmetične sestavine, fine kemikalije, eksopolisaharidi in polihidroksialkanoati. Proizvodnja biogoriv je možna tudi ob čiščenju odpadne vode. Glive so perspektivni sekvestratorji ogljika, sposobni tvorbe raznolikih proizvodov. Sposobnost flokulacije nekaterih gliv lahko olajša »down stream« procese in s tem zmanjša ceno proizvodnje. Za vpeljevanje sistemov za zajem in skladiščenje ali uporabo ogljika je pomembno, da so cenovno ugodni. Pri izboljšavi procesov nam lahko pomagajo tehnologije novih generacij. V tem delu so predstavljeni naravni sistemi za zajem ogljika, biotehnološki pristopi za zajem ogljika z uporabo mikroorganizmov, postopki, ki se že uporabljajo in perspektivna področja za nadaljnje raziskave.

Keywords:Ogljikov dioksid, zajem ogljika, podnebne spremembe, glive
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149988 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164568323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Biotechnological approaches for carbon capture with an emphasis on fungi
Due to the extraordinary amount of CO₂ emissions, we are facing devastating effects on the environment. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, carbon capture and storage are necessary to reduce the CO₂ concentration in the atmosphere. Carbon flows naturally between carbon sinks such as the atmosphere, the terrestrial biosphere and the oceans. Organisms that sequester carbon for biomass production are responsible for carbon sequestration. These organisms are mostly phototrophic, but microorganisms are also able to fix carbon in different ways. Carbon is stored over long periods of time in soils, sediments and oceans. Some microorganisms that are able to fix carbon can be used for biofuel production. These technologies are called bioenergy for carbon capture and storage, or BECCS for short. By sequestering carbon, some microorganisms can produce other value-added products such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetic compounds, fine chemicals, exopolysaccharides and polyhydroxyalkanoates. In addition to wastewater treatment, the production of biofuels is also possible. Fungi are perspectively able to sequester carbon and produce various products. The ability of some fungi to flocculate can simplify downstream processes and thus reduce production costs. Cost efficiency is important for the implementation of carbon capture and sequestration or utilisation systems. New generation technologies can be used for system improvements. In this paper, I present natural systems for carbon capture, biotechnological approaches to carbon capture, processes already in use and perspective areas for future research

Keywords:Carbon dioxide, carbon capture, climate change, fungi

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