
Doživljanje sramu v terapevtskem odnosu z vidika terapevta : magistrsko delo
ID Cajnko, Ada (Author), ID Poljak Lukek, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sram je čustvo, ki povzroči prekinitev stika, dolgotrajen in neozaveščen pa ovira medosebne odnose. V kontekstu terapevtskega odnosa je sram zaradi skrite narave čustva težko prepoznati, delo z njim pa zaradi tega za terapevta predstavlja izziv. Poseben izziv v terapevtskem odnosu lahko predstavlja neozaveščeni terapevtov sram, ki se lahko izraža tudi v kontratransferju, zato sta terapevtova predelava lastnega sramu in stik s tem čustvom ključnega pomena za terapevtovo delo s sramom v terapevtskem odnosu ter za kakovost odnosa. Osrednji namen magistrskega dela je bil pridobiti vpogled v doživljanje sramu v terapevtskem odnosu z vidika terapevta in v značilnosti dela z njim glede na terapevtovo doživljanje. Avtorica je odgovor na osrednje raziskovalno vprašanje »Kako terapevti doživljajo sram v terapevtskem odnosu?« iskala s pomočjo poglobljenih polstrukturiranih intervjujev v okviru fenomenološke metode. V intervjujih je sodelovalo sedem udeleženk, ki sedem let oziroma manj opravljajo (tudi) individualno psihoterapijo po integrativnih pristopih. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da je terapevtsko delo s sramom zahtevno in pogosto neprijetno. Skladno z ugotovitvami iz znanstvene literature se je izkazalo, da klienti sram pogosto zakrivajo z drugimi čustvi, se ga niti ne zavedajo oziroma pride na dan sčasoma v kontekstu drugih zgodb in čustev. V kontekstu skritosti sramu je analiza ob tem razkrila previdnost in zadržanost udeleženk pri naslavljanju (kontratransfernega) sramu v terapevtskem odnosu, tudi ko ga zaznajo. Odprto ostaja vprašanje, koliko sramu v terapevtskem odnosu ostaja neprepoznanega in s tem nedostopnega raziskovanju. Doživljanje sramu v terapevtskem odnosu s terapevtove perspektive bi bilo priporočljivo raziskati tudi na vzorcu udeležencev – terapevtov z daljšim delovnim stažem, ki imajo verjetno več izkušenj z delom s čustvom, s kontratransferjem in dinamiko terapevtskega odnosa na splošno. Magistrsko delo zapolnjuje raziskovalno vrzel na v Sloveniji neraziskanem področju. S podajanjem globokega uvida v živeto izkušnjo udeleženk prispeva h klinični terapevtski praksi in lahko služi v izobraževalne namene v procesu priprave terapevtov tudi na delo s sramom kot enim od najbolj skritih, v strokovnem diskurzu do nedavnega pogosto prezrtih čustev.

Keywords:sram, terapevtski odnos, kontratransfer, doživljanje sramu, terapevtska obravnava sramu, fenomenološka metoda
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[A. Cajnko]
Number of pages:VI, 153, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149920 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165856771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing shame in the therapeutic relationship from the therapist's perspective
Shame is an emotion that causes disengagement and, if prolonged and unconscious, hinders interpersonal relationships. In the context of the therapeutic relationship, the hidden nature of shame makes it difficult to identify and challenging for the therapist to work with. The therapist's unconscious shame, which can also be expressed in countertransference, can be a particular challenge in the therapeutic relationship, and the therapist's processing of and contact with his or her own shame is therefore crucial for the therapist's work with shame in the therapeutic relationship and for the quality of the relationship. The main aim of the master thesis was to gain insight into the experience of shame in the therapeutic relationship from the therapist's point of view and into the characteristics of working with shame in relation to the therapist's experience. The answer to the central research question »How do therapists experience shame in the therapeutic relationship?« was sought through in-depth semi-structured interviews in a framework of the phenomenological research method. The interviews were conducted with seven female participants who have (also) been providing individual psychotherapy for seven years or less, following integrative approaches. The results of the analysis showed that therapeutic work with shame is challenging and often uncomfortable. In line with findings from the scientific literature, it turned out that clients often mask shame with other emotions, are not even aware of it, or their shame comes to light over time in the context of other stories and emotions. In the context of hidden shame, the analysis revealed the participants' caution and reticence in addressing (countertransference) shame in the therapeutic relationship, even when they perceive it. It remains an open question how much shame in the therapeutic relationship remains unrecognised and thus inaccessible to research. It would also be advisable to explore the experience of shame in the therapeutic relationship from the therapist's perspective with a sample of participants - longer-serving therapists who are likely to have more experience of working with emotion, of countertransference and of the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship in general. The master's thesis fills a research gap in a field that has been insufficiently explored in Slovenia. By providing a deep insight into the lived experience of the participants, it contributes to clinical therapeutic practice and can serve educational purposes in the process of preparing therapists to work with shame as one of the most hidden emotions, often ignored in professional discourse until recently.

Keywords:shame, therapeutic relationship, countertransference, experience of shame, therapeutic treatment of shame, phenomenological method

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