Administrative inspection is a specialised service of internal administrative control that strives for a combination of preventive and repressive action. In Slovenia, the operation of administrative inspection is not regulated by independent legislation but is subject to regulation under the General Administrative Procedure Act and, to a lesser extent, the Inspection Control Act.
The administrative inspection has been subject to various legislative amendments that have altered its powers over the years. However, in theory and practise, it is possible to detect flaws in its operation, particularly with regard to the limited action of the administrative inspection and the (failure to) remedy the identified irregularities.
The goal of the master's thesis is an in-depth analysis of the procedural dilemmas of administrative inspection, the expansion of its powers, and the resulting change in the concept of operation, which represented the core of the research problem under consideration, both in the theoretical-normative and empirical parts. I analysed the fields of compliance and measure implementation, as well as how administrative inspection operations are regulated in Croatia compared to Slovenia. Within the framework of my research, I discovered that many violations are identified each year, and though measures for rectifying them are provided, they are not always properly implemented. Slovenia does not have a regulated legal basis for taking action in the event of non-compliance with the measures, so unfortunately, the same infringements occur every year, as a rule, with different authorities.
I expect that the findings of the administrative inspection and the administrative authorities will help improve the situation. With my master's thesis, I aim to contribute to the better functioning of administrative authorities. On the basis of the analysis, I submitted proposals for improvements and possible amendments to the regulations by establishing a law that would define only the operation of the administrative inspection.