
Avtomatizirana merilna celica za preverjanje kakovosti inštalacijskih kontaktorjev
ID FEMC, DAVID (Author), ID Beguš, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu obravnavamo razvoj avtomatizirane merilne postaje, ki izvaja kontrolo kakovosti izdelave inštalacijskih kontaktorjev in jih ločuje na podlagi hrupa, ki ga kontaktorji proizvajajo med delovanjem. Naprava je bila zasnovana po zahtevah naročnika, da se ocena kakovosti poda na petih zaporednih meritvah vklopov, saj se jakost hrupa lahko spreminja od vklopa do vklopa. Prav tako smo morali ugoditi zahtevam časovnega cikla. V prvem delu smo se seznanili s principom delovanja kontaktorja in raziskali izvor hrupa. Sledil je pregled teoretičnega ozadja merjenja zvoka in vibracij. Z uporabo enega merjenega kontaktorja smo preizkusili metodo merjenja zvoka s fonometrom ter merjenje vibracij z uporabo pospeškometra in kontaktnega mikrofona. Le-ta se je izkazal za najbolj optimalno metodo merjenja. Zaradi zahtev po časovnem ciklu in števila potrebnih meritev smo pričeli z zasnovo postaje za sočasno merjenje več kontaktorjev. Pri tem smo naleteli na velik problem prenašanja vibracij med merjenimi kontaktorji, kar je vodilo v napačne rezultate. V nadaljevanju smo problem rešili z izdelavo vpenjalne palete, ki merjene kontaktorje fizično loči med seboj, za še boljši učinek smo uporabili blažilce vibracij. S tem smo ustrezno zmanjšali medsebojni prenos vibracij, vendar se je težava še vedno pojavila pri zelo brnečih kontaktorjih. V nadaljevanju smo v sekvenčno merjenje kontaktorjev vpeljali metodo selektivnega merjenja, ki močno odstopajoče kontaktorje loči od ostalih in se merjenje le-tega izvede ločeno. S podrobno analizo meritev kontaktorjev smo določili ustrezno ločilno mejo, ki kontaktorje deli na kakovostne in nekakovostne. Celotni postopek merjenja smo na koncu v celoti avtomatizirali z uporabo programirljivega logičnega krmilnika ter izdelali tudi grafični vmesnik za upravljanje in nadzor meritev.

Keywords:merilna postaja, kontaktor, kontrola kakovosti, vibracije, kontaktni mikrofon, Labview
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149854 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165291011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Automated measuring cell for checking the quality of installation contactors
In the master's thesis, we address the development of an automated measurement station that carries out the quality control of production of installation contactors and separates them based on the noise they generate during operation. The device was designed according to the client's requirements to provide a quality assessment based on five consecutive activation measurements, as the noise level can vary from activation to activation. We also had to meet the demands of the time cycle. In the first part, we became acquainted with the principle of contactor operation and investigated the source of noise. This was followed by a review of the theoretical background of sound and vibration measurement. Using a single measured contactor, we tested the method of noise measurement with a sound level meter and the measurement of vibrations using an accelerometer and a contact microphone. The latter proved to be the most optimal method of measurement. Due to the requirements of the time cycle and the number of necessary measurements, we started designing a station for the simultaneous measurement of multiple contactors. In doing so, we encountered a major problem of transmission of vibrations between the measured contactors, which led to incorrect results. In the continuation, we solved the problem by creating a clamping pallet that physically separates the measured contactors from each other. For an even better effect, we also used vibration dampers. This adequately reduced the mutual transmission of vibrations, but the problem still occurred with very buzzing contactors. Furthermore, we introduced a method of selective measurement into the sequential measurement of contactors, which separates highly deviating contactors from the rest and measures them separately. With a detailed analysis of contactor measurements, we determined an appropriate separation threshold that divides the contactors into quality and non-quality ones. We concluded by fully automating the entire measurement process using a programmable logic controller and creating a graphical interface for measurement management and monitoring.

Keywords:measurement station, contactor, quality control, vibrations, contact microphone, Labview

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