
Razvoj brezžičnega sistema za varno ustavitev robotov
ID PRIMŠAR, BLAŽ (Author), ID Podobnik, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kmecl, Peter (Comentor)

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V tem diplomskem delu smo se v uvodu seznanili s problematiko brezžičnih varnostnih sistemov in razložili, zakaj je sploh nastala potreba po takšnih rešitvah. Za razvoj lastnega sistema brezžične zaustavitve v sili smo uporabili razvojni plošči nRF52832 DK podjetja Nordic Semiconductor. Na kratko smo pogledali osnovne lastnosti teh razvojnih plošč ter, kako smo jih vključili v našo aplikacijo. Za programiranje mikrokrmilnikov smo izbrali programsko okolje VS Code in dodatek NRF Connect SDK, ki je poskrbel za učinkovito komunikacijo med programom in razvojnima ploščama. Tekom tega dela smo podrobno predstavili ta dva programa ter funkcije, ki smo jih uporabili med razvojem. Kot osnovo smo uporabili že obstoječ primer kode za protokol ESB (Enhanced ShockBurst), ki smo ga nadgradili z zahtevanim delovanjem za našo aplikacijo. Na kratko smo si ogledali tudi, kako ta protokol deluje in kako obravnava pošiljanje paketov. Del diplomskega dela vključuje tudi pregled standardov na področju brezžičnih varnostnih sistemov, njihov obseg in kratek opis nekaterih, ki se dotikajo področja tega diplomskega dela. Sistem smo tudi uspešno testirali. Pri testiranju smo izbrali nekaj parametrov, ki najbolje pokažejo delovanje in zanesljivost sistema, kot so doseg povezave z ovirami, brez ovir in hitrost prenosa paketov med ploščama. Prav tako smo sistem testirali s pomočjo robota kako se pri velikem številu ponovitev program odziva. Na koncu smo predstavili ugotovitve in rezultate, ki smo jih dosegli med izvajanjem tega diplomskega dela.

Keywords:Varnost, mikrokrmilnik, ESB, ustavitev, brezžično, robot, gumb, standard.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149714 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163864323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Developing a wireless system for safely stop robots
In this thesis, we introduced the issue of wireless safety systems and explained why there is a need for such solutions in the first place. To develop the wireless emergency stop system, we used the nRF52832 DK development board from Nordic Semiconductor. We have briefly looked at the basic features of these development boards and how we have integrated them into our application. For the programming of the microcontrollers, we chose the VS Code programming environment and the NRF Connect SDK add-on, which ensured efficient communication between the program and the development boards. In the course of this work, we have presented in detail these two programmes and the features we have used during their development. As a basis, we used an existing code example for the ESB (Enhanced ShockBurst) protocol, which we upgraded with the required behaviour for our application. We also briefly looked at how this protocol works and how it handles packet forwarding. Part of the thesis includes an overview of standards in the field of wireless safety systems, their scope and a brief description of some of them that are relevant to the scope of this thesis. We have also successfully tested the system. In our testing, we have selected a few parameters that best demonstrate the responsiveness and reliability of the system, such as the range of the connection with obstacles, without obstacles and the packet transfer rate between the two boards. We also tested the system with a robot to see how the software responds to a large number of iterations. Finally, we present the findings and results we have achieved during the course of this thesis.

Keywords:Safety, microcontroller, ESB, stop, wireless, robot, button, standard.

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