
Izdelava fantomske glave za ovrednotenje termovizijskih kamer
ID Gačnik, Timotej (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključno delo se osredotoča na problem izdelave točne in zanesljive fantomske glave, ki je lahko nato uporabljena kot referenčni model za opazovanja s termovizijskimi kamerami. Termovizijsko opazovanje je v zadnjih letih povzdignilo precejšnjo pozornost na mnogih področjih, vključno z industrijo, medicino, sistemih za varovanje in podobno. Kljub temu potrebuje natančna interpretacija termičnih slik zanesljiv referenčni model, ki čim bolje oponaša termične karakteristike in anatomijo človeka. Postopek izdelave fantomske glave je vključeval nekaj ključnih korakov. Potreben je bil pregled literature o termičnih karakteristikah človeškega obraza in tako določiti, kateri deli so temperaturno najbolj zahtevni, spremenljivi oziroma tudi zanimivi za termovizijsko opazovanje. Na podlagi teh podatkov je bilo možno korektno določiti lokacije NTK termistorjev, ki so bili nato vgrajeni v model glave. Za zagotovitev točnosti fantomske glave je bila ključnega pomena kalibracija vgrajenih NTK termistorjev z uporabo referenčnega temperaturnega merjenca. Izvedena je bila za temperaturno območje, v katerem se nahaja tudi človeški obraz. Kalibriran model glave s termistorji je bil nato izpostavljen nadziranim okoljskim razmeram v temperaturni komori, s čemer smo preverjali odzive fantomske glave na različne temperaturne pogoje. Razvit fantomski model glave ponuja potencialni napredek na področju termovizijskih opažanj. Uporaba le-tega ponuja standardiziran in kalibriran referenčen objekt za termovizijske kamere in tako zagotavlja natančnejšo temperaturno meritev. Uporaben je za raziskovalce, razvijalce in uporabnike termovizijskih sistemov, ki lahko z njegovo pomočjo izboljšajo natančnost, robustnost in konstantnost svojih temperaturnih meritev. Zaključno delo tako predstavi razvoj zanesljivega, referenčnega modela glave. Namestitev NTK termistorjev na najbolj pomembne obrazne točke, izpostavljanje celotnega modela na različne temperature ter primerjava meritev s termovizijsko kamero omogoči, da bi fantomski model lahko postal pomemben del standardizacije in kalibracije termovizijskih sistemov.

Keywords:NTK termistor, termovizijska kamera, fantom človeške glave, kontaktne meritve, brezkontaktne meritve, emisivnost polistirena
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149712 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165829123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Design of a phantom head for evaluating thermal imaging cameras
The diploma focuses on the problem of building an accurate and reliable phantom head that can then be used as a reference model for observations with thermal imaging cameras. Thermal imaging has attracted considerable attention in many fields including industry, medicine, security systems and so on. Nevertheless, accurate interpretation of thermal images needs a reliable reference model that mimics the thermal characteristics and anatomy of the human head as closely as possible. The process of building such a model involved several key steps. It was necessary to review the literature on the thermal characteristics of the human face in order to determine which parts are the most temperature demanding, variable or also of particular interest for thermal imaging. Based on this information, it was possible to correctly determine the locations of the NTK thermistors that were integrated in the head model. Calibration of the NTK thermistors using a reference temperature gauge was essential to ensure accuracy. This was performed for the temperature range in which the human face is typically also contained. The calibrated head model with thermistors was then exposed to controlled environmental conditions in a temperature chamber in order to obtain responses to different temperature conditions. The developed phantom head model offers a potential advance in the field of thermal imaging observations. Its use offers a standardised and calibrated reference object for thermal imaging cameras and thus ensures accurate temperature measurements. It can make a positive contribution to researchers, developers and users of thermal imaging systems who can use the phantom to improve the accuracy, robustness and consistency of their temperature measurements. The final work thus presents the development of a reliable reference model. By placing NTK thermistors at the most relevant facial points, exposing the whole model to different temperatures and comparing the measurements with a thermal imaging camera, the phantom model can become an important part of standardisation and calibration of thermal imaging systems.

Keywords:NTC thermistor, thermal camera, phantom human head, contact measurement, non-contact measurement, emissivity of polystyren

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