
Avtomatizacija prodajnega procesa s Petrijevimi mrežami
ID AŠIČ, SERGEJ (Author), ID Fijavž, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fujs, Damjan (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi predstavimo Petrijeve mreže kot način opisa delovnih procesov. Predstavimo strukturo Petrijevih mrež in opišemo način prehajanja med stanji Petrijeve mreže. Mreže predstavimo na nekaj enostavnih primerih. V nadaljevanju izpostavimo proces nakupa mrežne opreme, ki kot informacijsko podporo uporablja storitev Build and Price podjetja Cisco Systems. Proces je v ročni izvedbi relativno težaven za uporabo, posebej če v procesu omogočamo večkratno popravljanje in urejanje ponudb, kar je po eni strani lahko posledica prodajnih pogajanj, po drugi pa posledica nehotenih ročnih vnosov napak. Sam proces predstavimo s Petrijevimi mrežami in pristopimo k njegovi avtomatizaciji in optimizaciji. Optimizacijo procesa izvedemo s programsko rešitvijo, ki v prvi fazi avtomatizira uporabo storitve Build and Price, namenjene za sistematsko pripravo ponudb za dobavitelje, v drugi fazi pa omogoča bolj učinkovito pripravo informacij o želenih nabavnih artiklih za stranke podjetja v okviru ponudbe. Časovni prihranek tudi grobo ovrednotimo in predlagamo nekaj nadaljnjih izboljšav.

Keywords:avtomatizacija, prodajni proces, delovni tokovi, Petrijeve mreže
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149686 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166213891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Automatization of a sales process using Petri nets
In the thesis we present Petri nets as a way of describing workflow processes. We present the structure of Petri nets and describe the way of transitioning between different states of a Petri net. We present the nets on a few simple examples. In the following, we consider the process of purchasing network equipment, which uses the Build and Price service from Cisco Systems as information support. The process is relatively time consuming if used manually, especially if the process enables multiple corrections and editing of offers, which can be the result of direct negotiations on one hand, and the result of manually entered errors on the other. We describe the whole process using Petri nets and approach its automation and optimization. The optimization of the process is carried out with a software solution, which in the first phase automates the utilization of the Build and Price service, designed for systematic vendor bid preparation. In the second phase, it efficiently compiles data on desired procurement items for the company's clients within the scope of the proposal. We also provide a rough assessment of the time savings achieved and suggest some further improvements.

Keywords:avtomatization, sales process, workflow, Petri nets

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