
3D animacija akcijske scene
ID Božič, Tea (Author), ID Kočevar, Tanja Nuša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Iskra, Andrej (Comentor)

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Namen diplomske naloge je načrtovanje, modeliranje, animiranje in upodabljanje kratke akcijske animacije. Končni izdelek je stilizirana 3D animacija s ciljno skupino deklet v višjih razredih osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskovali področje 3D animacij, njihovo zgodovino in produkcijski cevovod. Bolj podrobno smo preučili like v 3D animaciji, ki za učinkovito gibanje potrebujejo dodatno pripravo, za izražanje čustev pa preprečljivo igranje s celotnim telesom. Pogledali smo tudi uprizoritve v animaciji, ki zahtevajo natančno načrtovanje kompozicij in postavitev kamer. Na koncu smo še definirali pomen akcijskega filma, ki se po določenih karakteristikah razlikuje od drugih žanrov. V eksperimentalnem delu smo opisali proces dela, in sicer od načrtovanja do dodajanja zvočnih učinkov h končni animaciji. Načrtovali smo idejo, ciljno skupino in izgled animacije. Raziskovali smo potrebe in možne težave, s katerimi bi se lahko srečali ob delu. Opisali smo postopek modeliranja, animiranja in dodajanja vizualnih učinkov. Končno animacijo smo upodobili, popravili in sestavili v video z zvočnimi učinki. Na koncu smo animacijo analizirali in na podlagi tega ugotovili, ali se animacija žanrsko in slogovno ujema z zastavljenim ciljem. Preučili smo možne izboljšave animacije in postopka animiranja ter na podlagi tega v postprodukciji naredili popravke.

Keywords:3D animacija, modeliranje, akcijska scena, produkcija, vizualni učinki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:3D action scene animation
The thesis aims to plan, model, animate and render a short action animation. The final product is a stylized 3D animation with a target group of girls in the upper grades of primary school. In the theoretical part, we explored the field of 3D animations, its history and the production pipeline. We studied in more detail the characters in 3D animation, which require additional preparation for adequate movement, and acting with the whole body to express emotions. We also looked at staging in animation, which requires precise planning of compositions and camera placement. Finally, we defined the meaning of an action film, which differs from other genres by specific characteristics. In the experimental part, we described the work process from planning to adding sound effects to the final animation. We planned the idea, the target group, and the look of the animation. We explored the needs and possible problems that could be encountered while working. We described the process of modeling, animating and adding visual effects. The final animation was rendered, edited, and assembled into a video with sound effects. In the end, we analyzed the animation, and based on this, we determined whether the animation is genre and stylistically suitable for the set goals. We looked at possible improvements to the animation and the animation process and, based on that, made corrections in post-production.

Keywords:3D animation, modeling, action scene, production, visual effects

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