
Študij vezave mikroplastike iz avtomobilskih pnevmatik na rastlinsko biomaso v vodnem okolju
ID Čuček Meršol, Lan (Author), ID Kalčikova, Gabriela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mikroplastika predstavlja globalni okoljski problem, saj na najrazličnejše načine prehaja v naravne ekosisteme. Medtem ko količina mikroplastike v okolju vedno bolj narašča, pa je njeno odstranjevanje v mnogo primerih izredno težavno. V okolju najpogosteje najdemo mikroplastiko v obliki fragmentov, ki nastanejo pri fragmentaciji plastičnih odpadkov in se kopičijo v okolju. Visok delež mikroplastike v okolju pa predstavljajo tudi delci, ki nastanejo kot posledica abrazije avtomobilskih pnevmatik in se prenašajo tako v zrak kot ostajajo kot del cestnega prahu, ki se lahko nato s spiranjem prenaša v vodne ekosisteme, kjer ogroža organizme. V vodnem okolju lahko delci ob interakciji z rastlinami predstavljajo vstopno točko v prehranjevalno verigo, saj so rastline primarni proizvajalci in pomenijo vir hrane drugim organizmom. Interakcije pa lahko po drugi strani pomenijo tudi možnost razvoja fitoremediacijske metode, ki predstavlja možen način odstranjevanja delcev iz vodnega okolja, saj se delci adsorbirajo na površino rastlin. Zato je bil tudi namen eksperimentalnega dela proučevati vpliv mikroplastike iz avtomobilskih pnevmatik na malo vodno lečo (Lemna minor) ter ovrednotiti količino vezane mikroplastike. Vpliv smo ovrednotili z določanjem specifične hitrosti rasti, dolžine korenin in vsebnosti fotosinteznih pigmentov rastline in ugotovili, da mikroplastika ni imela vpliva na specifično hitrost rasti in na vsebnost fotosinteznih pigmentov, je pa vplivala na dolžino korenin. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da se količina adsorbirane mikroplastike ni linearno povečevala, prihajalo je namreč do nihanja količine vezane mikroplastike v obdobju eksperimenta. Na podlagi rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da ima mala vodna leča potencial za fitoremediacijo mikroplastike nastale iz avtomobilskih pnevmatik, vendar bi bilo potrebno še natančneje raziskati mehanizme in vpliv okoljskih dejavnikov na proces.

Keywords:abrazija pnevmatik, adsorpcija, fitoremediacija, mala vodna leča, mikroplastika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149524 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163647491 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:A study of interactions between microplastics from car tires and plant biomass in an aquatic environment
Microplastics are a global environmental problem, because they can enter different ecosystems through a variety of sources. While the amount of microplastics in the environment is constantly increasing, it is very difficult to remove them. Most common types of microplastics in the environment are in the form of fragments, formed during the fragmentation of larger plastic items. A large number of microplastics in the environment are also tire wear particles, which are generated from the abrasion of car tires. They can become airborne or enter aquatic ecosystems as part of road dust. When tire wear particles come into contact with aquatic plants, they can be adsorbed on the surface and thus enter the food chain, as plants are also a source of food to other organisms. On the other hand, adsorption can be a way to develop phytoremediation method, a method to remove microplastics from the aquatic environment. Therefore, the purpose of the experimental work was to determine the effects of microplastics from car tires on duckweed (Lemna minor), and to determine the amount of adsorbed microplastics on the plant. Effects were evaluated by determining the specific growth rate, the length of roots and the concentration of the photosynthetic pigments. Microplastics had no effects on the specific growth rate and on the photosynthetic pigments, while they inhibited the root length. We also found that the amount of adsorbed microplastics fluctuated during the experiment. The results suggest that the duckweed has the potential for phytoremediation of microplastics from car tires, but it would be necessary to further investigate the mechanisms and the effects of environmental factors on adsorption.

Keywords:abrasion of tyres, adhesion, duckweed, microplastics, phytoremediation

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