The purpose of this thesis is to, in the form of a software solution, provide an answer to the problem of effectively producing electricity using solar panels, even in the event that we are exporting as much electricity back into the electric grid as possible and still have excess solar panel capacity.
Using an Arduino module, this otherwise unused electricity could potentially be used for heating water using a water heater.
This solution would also have to be capable of adjusting to sudden changes in power usage in the building.
An example of this would be a sudden surge in power consumption triggered by turning on a more demanding device, such as an electronic stove.
In this case, the newly implemented system must ensure that the maximum amount of energy that we can export back into the grid is being exported before diverting additional power to the water boiler.
This problem would be solved by introducing an algorithm that only diverts power to the water boiler if certain conditions are met first.
Results of the newly implemented system will be shown in the form of graphs over the course of the thesis.