
Prisotnost sindroma izgorelosti med socialnimi delavkami in delavci, zaposlenimi na Centru za socialno delo Severna Primorska
ID Merlak, Sarah (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kot študentka socialnega dela sem v sklopu svoje prakse v 3. letniku že raziskovala prisotnost sindroma izgorelosti med socialnimi delavci in delavkami, zaposlenimi na vseh štirih enotah Centra za socialno delo Severna Primorska. Ker pa sem s prakso na eni izmed enot nadaljevala tudi v 4. letniku, sem imela priložnost dobiti vpogled v njihovo delo, delovno vzdušje, izzive, s katerimi se tamkajšnje socialne delavke srečujejo. Tekom prakse so mi socialne delavke tudi poročale o občutkih preobremenjenosti, omenjale so tudi izgorelost. To so bili tudi faktorji, ki so me spodbudili, da sem prisotnost izgorelosti na izbrani enoti Centra za socialno delo Severna Primorska nadalje raziskovala v svoji diplomski nalogi. V svojem teoretičnem delu sem v začetku opredelila sindrom izgorelosti, njegove značilnosti, opisala sem tudi vzroke, ki do izgorelosti pripeljejo, značilne simptome izgorevanja, sam potek izgorevanja ter njegove posledice. Nadalje sem opredelila značilnosti, zaradi katerih so nekateri bolj nagnjeni k razvoju izgorelosti kot drugi, in se pri tem navezala na poklic socialnih delavk ter opisala značilnosti dela na centrih za socialno delo, ki je matična baza stroke socialnega dela. Za konec sem se osredotočila še na to, kako si lahko sami in kako lahko tudi organizacija pripomore pri preprečevanju pojava izgorelosti. V svojem empiričnem delu sem opravila kvalitativno raziskavo, pri kateri sem z metodo spraševanja raziskovala, kako socialni delavci in delavke na eni izmed enot Centra za socialno delo Severna Primorska doživljajo svoje delovno mesto, s kakšnimi dejavniki in simptomi izgorelosti se srečujejo. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako sodelujoči definirajo samo izgorelost in kakšne izkušnje imajo po njihovem mnenju z izgorelostjo v preteklosti in trenutno. Spraševala sem tudi po tem, kako socialne delavke skrbijo zase, za razbremenitev, kakšne možnosti za razbremenitev ponuja raziskovan CSD ter kakšne spremembe bi bile potrebne za preprečevanje in zmanjševanje pojava izgorelosti. Podatke sem pridobila s pomočjo vodila za intervju, same intervjuje pa sem opravila s sedmimi socialnimi delavkami. Rezultate sem obdelala s kvalitativno analizo, pri kateri se je izkazalo, da ima večina socialnih delavk izkušnje z izgorelostjo, nekatere izmed njih pa tudi trenutno pri sebi prepoznavajo prisotnost občutka izgorelosti. Rezultati, ki sem jih z raziskavo pridobila, dajejo le delni uvid v prisotnost izgorelosti na Centru za socialno delo Severna Primorska, saj so rezultati aktualni le za raziskovano enoto, kar pomeni, da niso posplošljivi na vse enote CSD-ja.

Keywords:izgorelost, socialno delo, center za socialno delo, socialne delavke
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149420 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The presence of burnout syndrome among social workers employed at the Department od Social Services of North Primorska region
As a student of social work, I researched about the presence of burnout syndrome among social workers employed at all four units of the Department of Social Services of North Primorska region (Center za socialno delo Severna Primorska) already during my practicum course in the third year of my studies. Because I was able to continue with the practicum at one of the centre's units in the fourth year of my studies, I had the chance to get an insight into their work, work dynamic and challenges that social workers deal with at the centre. During my time there, the social workers spoke to me about feeling overwhelmed and mentioned being burnt out. These were also the factors which encouraged me to continue researching the presence of burnout at the chosen unit of the Department of Social Services of North Primorska region in my dissertation. In the theoretical part of my dissertation, I initially defined the burnout syndrome and its characteristics. I also described the reasons that lead to it, typical symptoms, the course of burnout and its consequences. I further defined the attributes that make some people more prone to developing burnout than others in connection to the profession of social workers and described the features of work at departments of social services which are the central base of social work occupation. Finally, I focused on how the organisation and we ourselves can help prevent the occurrence of burnout. In the empirical part, I conducted qualitative research with the help of the interview research method in which I researched how social workers at one of the units of the Department of Social Services of North Primorska region experience their workplace, which factors, and symptoms they come across. I was also interested in the way the participants define burnout and what kind of experiences they had in the past and they currently have with it. In addition, I asked about how social workers take care of themselves to relax, what possibilities the centre offers to help with relaxation and what changes would be necessary to prevent and decrease the occurrence of burnout. I conducted the interviews with 7 social workers and processed the results using qualitative analysis. It turned out that the majority of social workers have experiences with burnout, some of them even recognise the presence of feeling burnt out currently. The results that I acquired in my research give only a partial insight into the presence of burnout at the Department of Social Services of North Primorska region because they are only relevant for the researched unit, which means that the results cannot be generalised to all units of the Department of Social Services.

Keywords:burnout, social work, Department of Social Services, social workers

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