
Postopek prenosa znanja na Univerzi v Ljubljani
ID Vukelić, Lara (Author), ID Beja, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Medved, Tanja (Comentor)

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Osrednji namen diplomskega dela je interpretirati, razstaviti, poenostaviti in oblikovati informacijo ter na podlagi tega ustvariti razumljive infografike in ilustracije za Pisarno za prenos znanja Univerze v Ljubljani. S pomočjo umestitve grafičnih elementov smo razbili monotonost besedila in zahtevnih informacij pravilnika in izdelali vizuale oziroma informacijske grafike, ki so primerni tako za splet kot tudi za tiskovine in infografike, ki odsevajo identiteto Univerze v Ljubljani. Raziskali smo področje grafičnega ustvarjanja in na podlagi tega našli oblikovalsko rešitev. Za diplomsko delo smo ubrali bolj oblikovalsko pot, saj smo se osredotočali na izbiro in uporabo ustreznih grafičnih oblik, barv, tipografije in ostalih vizualnih elementov, ki bodo zagotovile jasne, razumljive in zabavne ilustracije ter učinkovito vizualno komunikacijo. Uporabljali smo programe, kot so Procreate in Adobe Illustrator, s katerimi smo si pomagali na tablični in računalniški napravi. Velik del obsega tudi raziskovalna strategija, ki vključuje analizo človeškega telesa, izris človeških figur v grafičnem programu, analizo vsebine, opredelitev ciljne skupine, opredelitev glavnih naslovov, izdelavo osnutkov in izbor vizualnih elementov. Rezultate raziskave smo predstavili v obliki enajstih ilustracij in štirih infografik, ki smo jih temeljito predstavili in opisali. Najprej smo se posvetili ilustracijam, formatu, v katerem so bile izdelane, in načinu, na katerega smo oblikovali scenarij in upodobili vse vključene koncepte ter kompozicijo in uporabo barv. Nato smo se lotili še infografik, kjer smo vsako posamezno najprej opisali, nato pa opredelili še njene ključne elemente. S pomočjo temeljite raziskave smo prišli do ugotovitve, da sta tako ilustracija kot tudi infografika izredno pomembni za izboljšanje razumljivosti daljših in težje razumljivih besedil. Poleg tega menimo, da je uporaba barv izredno pomembna, primarno zaradi prepoznavnosti Univerze v Ljubljani, za katero smo izdelovali zastavljeno nalogo, sekundarno pa za razumljivost in lažjo zbranost vseh, ki se lotevajo branja in preverjanja informacij na določenem spletnem mestu.

Keywords:infografika, ilustracija, informacija, digitalna ilustracija, vizualne komunikacije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149386 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Title:Knowledge transfer procedure at University of Ljubljana
The main purpose of the thesis is to interpret, deconstruct, simplify and format information and create understandable infographics and illustrations for the Knowledge Transfer Office at the University of Ljubljana. By placing graphic elements, we broke the monotony of the text and complex information of the regulations and created visual representations or information graphics suitable for both the web and printed materials and infographics that reflect the identity of the University of Ljubljana. We researched the field of graphic creation and based on that we found a design solution. For the thesis, we took a more design-oriented approach, focusing on the selection and use of appropriate graphic shapes, colours, typography and other visual elements to ensure clear, understandable and entertaining illustrations and effective visual communication. We used software such as Procreate and Adobe Illustrator to help us work on tablet and computer. A large part of the research strategy involved analysing the human body, drawing human figures in a graphics programme, analysing the content, defining the target audience, determining the main headlines, designing and selecting the visual elements. The results of the research were presented in the form of eleven illustrations and four infographics, which were presented and described in detail. We first looked at the illustrations, the format in which they were created, the way we designed the script and presented all the concepts involved, as well as the composition and use of colours. Then we moved on to the infographics, first describing each one and then identifying the key elements that make it up. Through thorough research, we concluded that both illustrations and infographics are extremely important for improving the comprehensibility of longer and harder-to-understand texts. Moreover, we believe that the use of colours is extremely important, first of all for the visibility of the University of Ljubljana, for which we created the assignment, and secondly for the comprehensibility and the ability to concentrate of all those who read and check the information on a given website.

Keywords:infographics, illustration, information, digital illustration, visual communication

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