
Načrtovanje uporabniške izkušnje in uporabniškega vmesnika za učne namene z metodo oblikovalskega razmišljanja
ID Sila, Maja (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati in opredeliti metodo oblikovalskega razmišljanja. Različico metode smo se namenili uporabiti za načrtovanje uporabniške izkušnje in uporabniškega vmesnika za izobraževalne namene v Parku Škocjanske jame na učni poti Škocjan. V teoretičnem pregledu magistrske naloge smo raziskali, kaj je metoda oblikovalskega razmišljanja in kdo je začel z njeno uporabo. Raziskali in preučili smo več modelov in načel uporabe. Pregledali smo posamezne stopnje metod ter orodij, ki jih uporabljamo na posamezni stopnji. Raziskali smo, kako pridemo do dobro zasnovane uporabniške izkušnje in kaj je uporabniško usmerjeno oblikovanje ter nadaljevali z raziskavo, kako sta oblikovalsko razmišljanje in uporabniška izkušnja povezani med seboj. Pregledali smo, kako so zasnovani grafični vmesniki in kaj so načela oblikovanja dobrega uporabniškega vmesnika. Kasneje smo se osredotočili na vmesnike za namene učenja in za namene turizma ter raziskali glavne funkcionalnosti, ki jih vključuje vmesnik, ki je namenjen uporabi v turizmu. Teoretični del smo zaključili s predstavitvijo območja Škocjanskih jam in učne poti Škocjan. V eksperimentalnem delu smo metodo preizkusili in z njeno pomočjo zasnovali uporabniški vmesnik za uporabo na učni poti Škocjan. Zasnove smo se lotili s pomočjo metode oblikovalskega razmišljanja po vzoru Stanford's Design School, ki se najbolje prepleta s snovanjem uporabniške izkušnje. Metoda nas je vodila od stopnje vzpostavljanja empatije, definicije izziva, generiranja idej do prototipiranja, kjer smo idejo oblikovali v vizualno privlačni uporabniški vmesnik, ki smo ga kasneje še testirali na končnih uporabnikih. Za oblikovanje vmesnika smo uporabili oblikovalska programa Figma in Adobe Illustrator. Idejo smo na koncu testirali in zaključke predstavili v poglavju rezultati in razprava. Rezultat je vmesnik, namenjen uporabi na učni poti Škocjan, ki usmerja in izobražuje obiskovalce ter jim nudi dodaten element igrifikacije, kar jih še bolj spodbudi k aktivnemu zaznavanju okolice in informacij. Testiranje nam je doprineslo informacije o možnih dodelavah in nadgradnjah.

Keywords:Oblikovalsko razmišljanje, uporabniška izkušnja, uporabniški vmesnik, grafični vmesnik.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149381 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Title:Designing User Experience (UI) and User Interface (UI) for educational purposes using design thinking method
The aim of the master thesis was to explore and define a method of design thinking. We aimed to use a version of this method to design a user experience and interface for educational purposes on the Educational Trail Škocjan. In the theoretical overview, we explored what the Design Thinking method is and who started using it. We researched and examined several models and principles of application. We looked at the different stages of the methods and the tools used. We explored how we get to a well-designed user experience and what user-centered design is and went on to explore how design thinking and user experience were related at all. We looked at how graphical interfaces were designed and what the principles of good user interface design are. Later, we focused on the interfaces for learning and tourism purposes and explored the main functionalities of the interface designed for tourism. We concluded with a presentation of the Educational Trail Škocjan. In the experimental part, we tested the method and used it to design a user interface for use on the Škocjan Learning Trail. We started the design process by using the design thinking method, based on Stanford's Design School, which is best intertwined with the design of the user experience itself. The method led us from empathy, defining the challenge, generating ideas, to prototyping, where we shaped the idea into a visually appealing user interface. Lastly, we tested the idea and presented our conclusions in the Results and Discussion section. The result is an interface that we designed to be used on the Škocjan Learning Trail, which guides and educates visitors and provides them with an additional element of gamification, which encourages them to actively perceive their surroundings better. Testing has provided us with information on possible refinements and upgrades.

Keywords:Design thinking, user experience, user interface, graphical interface.

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