
Nukleofilno fluoriranje sekundarnih alkoholov z dietilaminožveplovim trifluoridom
ID Jere, Ana (Author), ID Iskra, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Študije lastnosti fluoriranih biološko aktivnih molekul so čedalje bolj pogoste zaradi njihove potencialne uporabe v medicini. Odkriti so bili različni fluorirni reagenti, posledično pa tudi metode, ki jih izkorišča farmacevtska industrija za razvoj zdravil. To delo obravnava reakcije nukleofilnega fluoriranja sekundarnih alkoholov z dietilaminožveplovim trifluoridom (DAST), ki je bil izbran zaradi preproste uporabe in poročil, da z njim fluoriranje poteče preko stereoselektivne substitucije, saj naj bi reagiral po SN2 mehanizmu. Uporabila sem različne substrate; začela sem z modelnim 4-terc-butilcikloheksanolom, pri katerem sta nastala fluoriran produkt in olefin v razmerju 1 : 2. Sledil je holesterol, izolirala pa sem fluoriran analog s 60% izoliranim izkoristkom. Nato sem uporabila derivata benzilnega alkohola, njuna fluorirana analoga pa sta se izkazala za nestabilna. Z α-hidroksiketonskima spojinama sem preverjala (stereo)selektivnost. Izkazalo se je, da pri reakciji z DAST-om nastane mešanica enantiomerov kljub pričakovani SN2 pretvorbi in uporabi optično čistih izhodnih spojin. Pri sobni temperaturi je nastal racemat, pri -78 °C pa je enantiomerni presežek znašal 28 %. Poleg tega je izkoristek po izolaciji pri -78 °C znašal 90 %, pri sobni temperaturi pa 32 %. Sledila sta glukozna derivata; izolirala sem fluoriran piranozni analog s 86% izkoristkom, na furanoznem pa fluoriranje ni poteklo. Na koncu sem uporabila še derivat amina (-)-efedrin. Njegovega fluoriranega analoga z nezaščiteno aminsko skupino mi ni uspelo izolirati. Sklepam, da je za reakcijo z DAST-om zaščita potrebna. Sinteze so bile pretežno izvedene pri sobni temperaturi v diklorometanu in produkti izolirani ter po potrebi dodatno očiščeni s kolonsko kromatografijo. Fluoriranim produktom smo pomerili 1H, 19F in 13C NMR spektre. Ostale sinteze so vključevale postopke, potrebne za pripravo ustreznih sekundarnih alkoholov.

Keywords:dietilaminožveplov trifluorid, deoksifluoriranje, sekundarni alkoholi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149374 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169088771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Nucleophilic fluorination of secondary alcohols with diethylaminosulfur trifluoride
Studies of the properties of fluorinated biologically active molecules are becoming increasingly important due to their potential applications in medicine. Various fluorinating reagents were discovered, and consequently, methods used by the pharmaceutical industry for drug development. This work specifically deals with reactions of nucleophilic fluorination of secondary alcohols with diethylaminosulfur trifluoride (DAST), which was selected due to easy handling and in the literature described stereoselective substitution following SN2 mechanistic pathway. I used different substrates; I started with the model 4-tert-butylcyclohexanol, which produced fluoride and olefin in a ratio of 1 : 2. Cholesterol followed, and I isolated the fluorinated analogue in 60% yield. Then I used the benzyl alcohol derivatives and their fluorinated analogues proved to be unstable. I checked the (stereo)selectivity with α-hydroxy ketone compounds. It was shown that the reaction with DAST produced a mixture of enantiomers despite the expected SN2 conversion and the use of optically pure starting compounds. A racemate was formed at room temperature but at -78 °C the enantiomeric excess was 28 %. Furthermore, the yield after isolation was 90 % at -78 °C and 32 % at room temperature. Glucose derivatives followed; I isolated the fluorinated pyranose analog with 86 % yield, but the fluorination did not take place on the furanose analog. In the end, amine I have not been able to isolate a fluorinated analog of the amine (-)-ephedrine with an unprotected amine group, so I suppose that protection is necessary for the reaction with DAST. The syntheses were mainly caried out at room temperature in dichloromethane and the products were isolated and if needed, they were further purified by column chromatography. The 1H, 19F and 13C NMR spectra of the fluorinated products were measured. Other syntheses included the procedures for the preparation of corresponding secondary alcohols and were followed after literature reports.

Keywords:diethylaminosulfur trifluoride, deoxyfluorination, secondary alcohols

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