Short-circuit fault calculations are one of the key inputs for the proper operation of EES. The purpose of the calculation is to ensure that the systems are safe and reliable and to prevent potential damage or hazards.
Within the scope of the thesis, we focused on the calculation of single-phase and two-phase ground faults. The main objective of the thesis is to demonstrate the overall fault current calculation procedure, the magnitude of the current and the fault circuit path through the power network under consideration. There is a peculiarity on the network, because the 400/110~kV supply transformer is of the Yd1 connection, which means that it is not earthed. The earthing is carried out on the primary side of the 110/20~kV distribution transformer.
The problem was approached by first focusing on the theoretical part with symmetrical components, where the derivation of the voltage and current equations by the symmetrical components method for two-phase and single-phase earth contact short-circuit was presented. The network was then simulated in the NEPLAN software tool. After the network was dimensioned, element-by-element reports were produced, on which the results were given. From the results, we deduced which impedances would affect the final result of the single-phase and two-phase ground contact.
We decided to calculate the single-phase and two-phase earth contact short-circuits by the impedance method using the Matlab software tool. The latter was used to graphically display the indicative diagrams of the individual elements and to determine the fault current path in the network.