
Vzdražnost astrocitov po sočasni aktivaciji z agonisti adrenergičnih in purinergičnih receptorjev
ID Javeršek, Tina (Author), ID Vardjan, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Astrociti so celice glije osrednjega živčnega sistema in imajo pomembno vlogo pri uravnavanju nevronske aktivnosti ter vzdrževanju možganske homeostaze. Za razliko od nevronov niso električno vzdražni, lahko pa se odzivajo na zunajcelične signalne molekule preko aktivacije površinskih metabotropnih (z G-proteini sklopljenih receptorjev) in ionotropnih receptorjev, kot so adrenergični in purinergični receptorji, kar vodi v povišanje znotrajcelične koncentracije sekundarnih obveščevalcev – cAMP in Ca2+ – (t.i. citosolna vzdražnost) in uravnavanje različnih celičnih procesov. Ob aktivaciji OŽS je v zunajceličnini lahko prisotnih več različnih signalnih molekul hkrati, ki v posamezni celici prek različnih receptorjev sočasno aktivirajo različne signalne poti. Kako hkratna aktivacija različnih receptorjev vpliva na citosolno Ca2+-in/ali cAMP-vzdražnost astrocitov in celične procese je slabo raziskano. V diplomskem delu smo želeli preučiti ali se cAMP-vzdražnost astrocitov po aktivaciji adrenergičnih receptorjev spremeni ob sočasni aktivaciji purinergičnih receptorjev. Za spremljanje cAMP-vzdražnosti astrocitov smo uporabili gensko kodirajoči fluorescenčni biosenzor AKAR2, ki omogoča v celicah posredno spremljanje aktivnosti cAMP preko od cAMP-odvisne protein kinaze A (PKA) s fluorescenčno mikroskopijo in metodo FRET. Zapis za biosenzor AKAR2 smo vnesli v podganje astrocite v kulturi s transfekcijo pDNA. V posameznih astrocitih, ki so izražali AKAR2, smo s FRET-mikroskopijo v realnem času merili spremembe aktivnosti od cAMP-odvisne PKA po draženju celic z agonisti adrenergičnih receptorjev (adrenalin (ADR)), purinergičnih receptorjev (ATP) ali kombinacijo obojih. Podatke o spremembi signala FRET v odvisnosti od časa smo normirali in nato izračunali končne, kumulativne ter hitrosti spremembe signala FRET za posamezen dražljaj ter podatke med dražljaji statistično primerjali. Draženje astrocitov z ADR je sprožilo porast v znotrajcelični aktivnosti od cAMP-odvisne PKA, najverjetneje zaradi aktivacije -adrenergičnih receptorjev. Pri draženju astrocitov s kombinacijo ADR in ATP, ki sta sočasno aktivirala adrenergične in purinergične receptorje, smo opazili trend višjih vrednosti končne, kumulativne ter hitrosti spremembe signala FRET kot če smo celice dražili le z ADR, ki pa niso bile statistično značilno višje glede na draženje z ADR. Draženje astrocitov z ATP ni statistično značilno povečalo aktivnosti PKA glede na kontrolni poskus. Sklepamo, da ima aktivacija adrenergičnih receptorjev z ADR glavni učinek na cAMP-vzdražnost astrocitov, medtem ko ima aktivacija purinergičnih receptorjev z ATP le modulatorno vlogo. Ob sočasnem draženju celic z ADR in ATP, aktivacija purinergični receptorjev z ATP najverjetenje preko aktivacije Ca2+-signalnih poti prispeva k trendu zvišanja aktivnosti od cAMP-odvisne PKA.

Keywords:astrociti, FRET-mikroskopija, AKAR2, PKA, cAMP
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149339 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168319747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2023
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Title:Excitability of astrocytes upon simultaneous activation with adrenergic and purinergic receptor agonists
Astrocytes are glial cells of the central nervous system and play a significant role in regulation of neuronal activity and maintenance of brain homeostasis. Unlike neurons, they are not electrically excitable but can respond to extracellular signaling molecules through the activation of surface metabotropic (G-protein coupled receptors) and ionotropic receptors, such as adrenergic and purinergic receptors. This leads to an increase in intracellular concentrations of secondary messengers – cAMP and Ca2+ – (i.e. cytosolic excitability) and the regulation of various cellular processes. When the central nervous system is activated, multiple different signaling molecules can be present in the extracellular space simultaneously activating various signaling pathways within individual cells. However, the impact of simultaneous activation of different receptors on cytosolic Ca2+- and/or cAMP excitability in astrocytes and cellular processes remains poorly understood. In this thesis, we aimed to investigate whether cAMP-excitability in astrocytes upon adrenergic receptor activation changes when purinergic receptors are simultaneously activated. To monitor cAMP-excitability in astrocytes, we employed a genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor, AKAR2, which allows indirect monitoring of cAMP activity via cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) activity using fluorescence microscopy and the FRET method. The AKAR2 biosensor construct was introduced into rat cultured astrocytes through pDNA transfection. In individual astrocytes expressing AKAR2, we measured real-time changes in cAMP-dependent PKA activity using FRET microscopy after stimulating cells with agonists of adrenergic receptors (adrenaline (ADR)), purinergic receptors (ATP), or a combination of both. The changes in FRET signal over time were normalized. The final, cumulative, and velocity changes of the FRET signal were calculated for each stimulus and the data statistically compared between stimuli. Stimulation of astrocytes with ADR triggered an increase in intracellular cAMP-dependent PKA activity, most likely due to activation of -adrenergic receptors. When astrocytes were stimulated with a combination of ADR and ATP, which simultaneously activated adrenergic and purinergic receptors, we observed a trend of higher values for the final, cumulative, and velocity changes of the FRET signal compared to cells stimulated with ADR alone, although these differences were not statistically significant. Stimulation with ATP did not significantly increase PKA activity compared to the control experiment. We conclude that the activation of adrenergic receptors with ADR has the primary effect on cAMP excitability in astrocytes, while the activation of purinergic receptors with ATP plays a modulatory role. When cells are co-stimulated with ADR and ATP, activation of purinergic receptors by ATP most likely contributes to the trend of increased cAMP-dependent PKA activity via activation of Ca2+-signalling pathway.

Keywords:astrocytes, FRET-microscopy, AKAR2, PKA, cAMP

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