
Izdelava avtomatizirane naprave za kontrolo tuljav
ID Oblak, Klemen (Author), ID Mušič, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi bom predstavil razvoj in izdelavo naprave za kontrolo tuljav pri izdelavi različnih vrst kontaktorjev. Naprava je namenjena preverjanju kakovosti spoja prispajkanega usmerjevalnega mostička na tuljavo. Upornost usmerjevalnega mostička in tuljave mora biti znotraj predpisanih tolerančnih meja. Najprej bom na hitro predstavil glavne razloge in težave, ki so privedli do izdelave te naprave. Delo opravljam na oddelku projektiranja v podjetju Eksist Elektro krmilni sistemi. Pojavilo se je povpraševanje po posodobitvi obstoječe kontrole tuljav za naročnika Iskra MIS v Kranju. Želeli so posodobitev naprave, saj je bilo pri obstoječih napravah težko dodajati nove tipe tuljav. Želeli so si bolj moderne digitalne oblike naprave. Stare naprave je bilo potrebno tudi bolj pogosto umerjati in nastavljati, ker je vsebovala le nastavljive upore. Pri novi napravi pa so vrednosti zapisane v krmilniku in se ne spreminjajo. Naprava je sestavljena iz glavnega logičnega krmilnika, napajalnika merilne veje in relejskega vezja za signalizacijo. Z analognim vhodom krmilnika preverjamo padec napetosti na merjencu. Na napravi izberemo določen tip merjenca, ki ga preverjamo. Na merjenec prislonimo merilne konice. Naprava avtomatsko preveri merjenec in vrne povratno informacijo, ali je merjenec znotraj predpisanih vrednosti. Najprej sem izdelal prototipno napravo, ki so jo testirali. Med testiranjem se ni pokazala potreba po dodelavah naprave. Nato pa sem izdelal še dve napravi, ki že dobro služita pri kontroli spojev. Upam, da bomo v bodoče izdelali še kakšno napravo.

Keywords:avtomatizacija, kontaktor, razvoj, kontrola kakovosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149333 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164094723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Design of an automated coil control device
In this diploma thesis, I will present the development and production of a coil control device in the production of various types of contactors. The device is intended for checking the quality of the connection of the soldered rectifier bridge to the coil. The resistance of the rectifier bridge and the coil must be within the prescribed tolerance limits. Firstly, I will in short present the main reasons and problems that led to the creation of this device. I work in the design department at the company Eksist Elektro krmilni sistemi. There was a demand to update the existing coil control for the client Iskra MIS in Kranj. They wanted to update the device as it was difficult to add new types of coils to the existing devices. They requested a more modern digital form of the device. The old devices also had to be calibrated and adjusted more often, because they only contained adjustable resistors. With the new device, the values are written in the controller and do not change. The device consists of a main logic controller, a power supply for the measuring branch and a relay circuit for signaling. With the analog input of the controller, we check the voltage drop on the measurand. On the device, we select a certain type of measurand to be checked. We place the measuring tips on the target. The device automatically checks the measurand and returns feedback whether the measurand is within the prescribed values. First, I made a prototype device that they tested. During testing, there was no need to further modify the device. Then I made two more devices, which already serve well in joint control. I hope that we will make more devices in the future.

Keywords:automation, contactor, development, quality control

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