Road traffic is one of the key contributors to advancing climate change. To mitigate climate change effects, the European Union adopted the decision EU ban 2035, according to which all new cars and vans registered in the EU are set to be zero emission. Electric vehicles (EV) are considered by some to be the vehicles of the future, which is proven by their yearly sales growth. The growing number of EVs brings new challenges for the stability of the power grid. Vehicle to grid technology (V2G) is considered a promising solution. In this master thesis we researched and explained V2G technology and its concept. We focused on the use case of a fleet of commercial vehicles (at the office car park) in the V2G concept. Using the algorithm in Python, we simulated an implementation of the V2G concept on ten EVs at the office car park. The results before and after the implementation of the V2G concept were shown and assessed; we discovered that without the implementation of the V2G concept the requests from the power grid are not met. We also discovered that at the time it is not yet possible to exchange all the information needed for our research. We implemented and recorded the use case of an optimisation that results in the optimal scheduling of EVs charges and discharges that meets all of the requirements in the smallest possible number of charges and discharges. We also presented and assessed optimal scheduling. We discovered that the EVs needed at least 54 total hours of charging and discharging. We also calculated and presented the available pool capacity for charging and discharging. To make our example company EV fleet as close as possible to a real one, we used random input information and performed several iterations of optimisation. According to our calculations, we established that in this particular use case the aggregator can provide or accept four requests form the grid that are larger than or equal to the basic ones with the acceptable certainty. We showed changes in the available capacity of the charging and discharging of the office car fleet. We introduced two new use cases of our office car fleet, each having a different state of charge at plug-in and required state of charge at disconnection. According to the data provided, we assessed that the most suitable office car fleet for the participation in our V2G concept is the one with the EVs charged at 20 percent at plug-in and required state of charge at disconnection at 80 percent.