
Največja korist otroka po razvezi staršev : diplomsko delo
ID Bučar, Nika (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za temo diplomskega dela sem si izbrala temo največja korist otroka po razvezi staršev. Po razvezi staršev se s storitvijo predhodnega svetovanja na centru za socialno delo preveri, v kolikšni meri se uresničuje največja korist otroka. Starši, ki imajo skupne mladoletne otroke, se morajo obvezno udeležiti vsaj enega predhodnega svetovanja. Glavni namen predhodnih svetovanj je doseči sporazumni dogovor glede otroka, ki je v njegovo največjo korist, hkrati pa se starši dogovorijo tudi glede stikov, preživnine in drugih formalnosti. Center za socialno delo v sklopu podpore in pomoči ponudi staršem, ki potrebujejo dodatno podporo, različne storitve, kot sta mediacija, strokovno svetovanje itd. Pomembno je, da v procesih podpore in pomoči socialne delavke in delavci omogočijo, da se slišijo glasovi vseh udeleženih, tudi otrokov glas, ki je pogosto spregledan. V diplomskem delu se posvečam predvsem temu, na kakšen način se sliši otrokov glas, kako socialni delavci in delavke preverjajo koristi otroka, kako je glede razdvojenosti otrok po razvezi staršev, s kakšnimi ovirami se socialne delavke in delavci srečujejo pri delu z družinami, ki so v razveznem postopku. Del diplomske naloge posvetim tudi dejavnikom vpliva razveze na otroka, skupnemu varstvu in vzgoji, vlogi centra za socialno delo pri delu z družinami, družbenim vrednotam ter zakonodajnemu okviru. S kvalitativno raziskavo na priročnem vzorcu petih oseb sem ugotovila, da kjer se starši razumejo in imajo razrešen partnerski odnos, je dovolj eno predhodno svetovanje, saj se po navadi izkaže, da so otrokove koristi upoštevane. Pri nerazrešenih partnerskih odnosih pa je potrebno več podpore in pomoči, kar socialni delavci in delavke ponudijo v obliki storitev, kot so dodatna srečanja, mediacija, strokovna svetovanja. Socialne delavke in delavci vedno prednostno obravnavajo otroke in se za posameznega otroka poskušajo odločiti najbolje. Med najbolj pogoste ovire pri zagotavljanju otrokove koristi štejemo motivacijo staršev za sodelovanje in morebitni konflikt med staršema, kot oviro pa so socialne delavke in delavci izpostavili tudi kadrovsko in časovno stisko. V delu je tudi orisano, kako socialne delavke in delavci vidijo svojo vlogo pri delu z družinami ter kako družbene vrednote in obstoječa zakonodaja vplivajo na njihovo delo. Prav tako so prikazani pogledi socialnih delavcev in delavk glede tega, katera oblika starševstva je po razvezi najprimernejša ter kako delajo v »primeru, ko pride do sindroma odtujevanja«.

Keywords:korist otroka, otrokov glas, predhodno svetovanje, podpora in pomoč, razdvojenost otroka med staršema, ovire pri uresničevanju koristi otroka, socialno delo z družinami
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Bučar]
Number of pages:128 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149308 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:198942211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The Greatest Benefit of a Child After the Divorce of Parents
I chose the topic of the greatest benefit of the child after the divorce of the parents as the topic of my thesis. After the divorce of the parents, a preliminary consultation at the social work center is used to check the extent to which the best interests of the child are realized. Parents who share minor children must attend at least one preliminary counseling session. The main purpose of the preliminary consultations is to reach an agreement regarding the child, which is in his best interest, and at the same time the parents also agree on contacts, alimony and other formalities. As part of support and assistance, the Center for Social Work offers parents who need additional support various services, such as mediation, professional counseling, etc. It is important that in the process of support and assistance, social workers enable the voices of all participants to be heard, including the child's voice, which is often overlooked. In my thesis, I mainly focus on how the child's voice is heard, how social workers check the child's benefits, what about the separation of children after the divorce of their parents, what obstacles do social workers encounter when working with families who are in divorce proceedings. I also dedicate part of my thesis to the factors of the impact of divorce on the child, joint custody and education, the role of the social work center in working with families, social values and the legislative framework. Through qualitative research on a convenient sample of five people, I found that where the parents understand each other and have a resolved partnership, one preliminary counseling is enough, because it usually turns out that the child’s benefits are taken into account. Unresolved partnerships require more support and assistance, which social workers offer in the form of services such as additional meetings, mediation, and professional counseling. Social workers always prioritize children and try to make the best decision for each child. Among the most common obstacles in ensuring the child's use is the motivation of the parents to cooperate and the possible conflict between the parents, and the social workers also pointed out personnel and time constraints as an obstacle. The work also outlines how social workers see their role in working with families and how social values and existing legislation affect their work. It also shows the views of social workers regarding which form of parenting is most suitable after divorce and how it occurs in the case of “alienation syndrome”

Keywords:best interests of the child, child's voice, prior counselling, support and assistance, parental separation, barriers to the best interests of the child, social work with families

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