
Potencial alternativnih metod digitalnega podpisovanja v javni upravi : diplomsko delo
ID Šardi, Matic (Author), ID Dečman, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem digitalnem svetu predstavlja varnost in dokazljivost eno ključnih lastnosti poslovanja. Zato je digitalni podpis, ki je do neke ravni enakovreden lastnoročnemu, ključen element za zagotavljanje avtentičnosti, identifikacije in verodostojnosti. Tudi v javni upravi zato potrebujemo ustrezne, pravno podprte ter tehnično hitre in zanesljive rešitve. V diplomskem delu se osredotočamo na izziv iskanja alternativnih metod digitalnega podpisovanja v javni upravi. Problematika je bila obravnavana z analizo trenutnega stanja v javni upravi, pregleda zgodovine kriptografije, simetričnih in asimetričnih metod ter digitalnih podpisov, s poudarkom na metodah ElGamal, RSA, ECDSA in DSA. Metodologija dela vključuje pregled literature in analizo obstoječih pristopov skupaj z obsežno primerjavo posameznih algoritmov. Analiza je bila izvedena za tri potencialne alternative algoritma RSA. Opredelili smo njihovo uporabnost v določenih kontekstih javne uprave. Iz rezultatov smo izpeljali ugotovitve, da je ECDSA zaradi svoje manjše prostorske obremenitve ustrezen algoritem za uporabo v mobilnih tehnologijah, vgrajenih sistemih in karticah. DSA se zaradi izjemne hitrosti preverjanja podpisa lahko uporablja v sistemih, kjer je več dokumentov in je preverjanje takih podpisov nujno potrebno, na primer pri e-vlogah. Metoda ElGamal pa se je izkazala za uporabno pri e-glasovanju, v primeru, da država kdaj razvije sistem, ki bi ga podpiral. Rezultati raziskave prispevajo k strokovnem znanju na področju kriptografije v javni upravi in ponujajo teoretični vidik, kateremu lahko strokovnjaki sledijo pri nadaljnjih raziskavah praktičnih implementacij alternativnih metod.

Keywords:digitalni podpis, algoritem, kriptografija, javna uprava, varnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Šardi]
Number of pages:X, 51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149259 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163947267 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The potential of alternative digital signature methods in public administration
In today's digital world, security and verifiability are key features of business operations. Therefore, the digital signature, which is equivalent to a handwritten one to some extent, is a crucial element in ensuring authenticity, identification, and credibility. This is why, even in public administration, we need appropriate, legally supported, and technically fast and reliable solutions. In the thesis titled "The Potential of Alternative Digital Signature Methods in Public Administration," the problem is addressed through an analysis of the current state of public administration, a review of the history of cryptography, symmetric and asymmetric methods, and digital signatures, with a focus on the methods of ElGamal, RSA, ECDSA, and DSA. The methodology was based on a literature review and analysis of existing approaches, coupled with an extensive comparison of individual algorithms. The analysis was carried out for three potential alternatives to the RSA algorithm, and their applicability in specific contexts of public administration was identified. From the results, conclusions were drawn that ECDSA, owing to its smaller spatial load, is a suitable algorithm for use in mobile technologies, embedded systems, and cards. DSA, due to its exceptional signature verification speed, can be used in systems where multiple documents are involved and such signature verification is essential, such as in e-applications. The ElGamal method proved to be useful for e-voting, should the state ever develop a system to support it. The research findings contribute to the professional knowledge in the field of cryptography within public administration and offer a theoretical perspective that specialists can follow in further studies of practical implementations of alternative methods.

Keywords:digital signature, algorithm, cryptography, public administration, security

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