
Uporaba protokola gRPC v brskalniku
ID Topić, Faris (Author), ID Stankovski, Vlado (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z vedno večjo priljubljenostjo računalništva v oblaku in uporabo arhitekture mikrostoritev je razvoj programske opreme postal hitrejši in dostopnejši. Kot rezultat tega prišlo je do povečanja medsebojne komunikacije storitev in se je pojavila vrsta različnih izzivov in pristopov, ki jih je bilo treba ponovno ovrednotiti. Med njimi so tudi protokoli, ki se uporabljajo za omogočanje tovrstne komunikacije. V diplomski nalogi smo pod drobnogled vzeli enega od teh protokolov; in sicer protokol gRPC. Raziskali smo, kako protokol deluje in kaj ponuja, nato pa smo se z implementacijo enostavne storitve pobližje seznanili z njim in videli, kako ga lahko uporabljamo znotraj brskalnika. Primerjali smo ga z najbolj razširjeno alternativo, ki je REST API. Pri raziskovanju smo želeli preizkusiti, kako bi gRPC deloval pri prenosu datotek, kar je naloga, za katero prvotno ni bil zasnovan. Na podlagi rezultatov primerjave smo ugotovili, kdaj je najbolje uporabiti kakšen protokol in kako uspešna je uporaba protokola gRPC v brskalniku.

Keywords:gRPC, REST, API, ProtocolBuffer, gRPC-web
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149245 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165343747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2023
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Title:Using the gRPC protocol in the browser
With the ever increasing popularity of cloud computing and the use of microservice architecture, software development became faster and more accessible. As a result of this came an increase in interservice communication and a heap of new challenges and approaches arose that needed to be reevaluated. One of the things that needed reconsideration are the protocols that are used to make this communication possible. In this thesis we took a closer look at one of these protocols, namely the gRPC protocol. We researched how it works and what it has to offer, after which we became more familiar with it by implementing a simple service and seeing how it can be used inside the browser. We also compared it to the most widely used alternative, which is REST API. We wanted to test how gRPC would perform in a task it wasn't originally designed for, that being file transfer. Using the results of the comparison, we concluded when it is best to use which protocol and how viable it is to use gRPC within the browser.

Keywords:gRPC, REST, API, ProtocolBuffer, gRPC-web

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