
Analiza sistemskih računalniških iger in izdelava načrtovalskih smernic
ID Šiškovič, Marko (Author), ID Boh Podgornik, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Računalniške igre imajo za razliko od knjig, radia in televizije dodatno dimenzijo posredovanja informacij, saj je za njih značilna interaktivnost. A ta interaktivnost ni omejena le na izmenjavo med igro in igralcem, temveč poteka tudi znotraj igre same. V diplomskem delu smo izvedli analizo interaktivnih sistemov znotraj igre, ki vplivajo drug na drugega in se prilagajajo dejanjem igralca. V teoretičnem delu smo preučili literaturo področja sistemov in sistemske igre. V eksperimentalnem delu smo analizirali dve različni sistemski igri proizvajalca Ubisoft: Far Cry 4 ter Assassin's Creed Origins. Obe igri sta med najbolj razširjenimi na svetu, saj so jih prodali skupaj v več kot 20 milijonov izvodih. Za dobavo in zagon iger smo uporabili platformi Steam podjetja Valve Corporation ter Ubisoft Connect podjetja Ubisoft. Med igranjem smo uporabili program OBS Studio verzije 29.0 za snemanje igranega. Med raziskavo smo posneli več kot 55 ur igranja iger, kasneje smo posnetke uporabili za nadaljnjo analizo. Opazovali smo obnašanje sistemov po treh kriterijih: delovanje in doslednost sistemov skozi celotno igro, skladnost sistemov z načrtovalskimi načeli igre, točnost prikaza in obnašanja sistema. Ustvarili smo svoj protokol, ki nam je pomagal pri procesu opazovanja in testiranja. Identificirali smo sisteme, ki so najpomembnejši in najopaznejši igralcem. V večini primerov so se uporabljeni sistemi obnašali dosledno in skladno s pričakovanji igralca. Ugotovili smo, da je med igrama ponekod prišlo do drugačne rabe navidezno enakih sistemov, kar je posledica različnih načel oblikovanja in načrtovanja iger. Na osnovi rezultatov analize iger smo predlagali štiri načrtovalske smernice za pomoč pri zasnovi in izdelavi sistemske igre: (1) skladnost sistema s sporočilnostjo igre, (2) zagotavljanje resničnosti in doslednosti, (3) dopolnjevanje in sodelovanje sistemov v igri, (4) zagotavljanje zabave in optimalne izkušnje igralca.

Keywords:računalniška igra, sistemska igra, analiza sistemov, pojavno igranje, oblikovalske smernice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149181 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of systemic computer games and development of design guidelines
Computer games, unlike books, radio and television, have the added dimension of conveying information, as they are inherently interactive. However, this interactivity is not limited to the exchange between the game and the player, but within the game as well. In this diploma thesis we have conducted an analysis of the interactive systems within a game, which interact with each other and adapt to the player's actions. In the theoretical part, we studied the literature in the field of systems and systemic games. In the experimental part, we analysed two different systemic games from Ubisoft: Far Cry 4 and Assassin's Creed Origins, which have been sold in more than 20 million copies. We used Valve Corporation's Steam and Ubisoft's Ubisoft Connect platforms to obtain and run the games. During gameplay, we used OBS Studio version 29.0 to record the gameplay. Over the course of the research, we recorded more than 55 hours of gameplay and later used the recordings for further analysis. We observed the behaviour of the systems according to three criteria: the performance and consistency of the systems throughout the game, the alignment of the systems with the design principles of the game, and the accuracy of the display and behaviour of the systems. We came up with our own protocol for observation and analysis. First, we identified the systems that are most important and most noticeable to the players. In most cases, the systems used behaved consistently and in line with player expectations. In some cases, seemingly identical systems were used differently between games, due to differences in game design principles. Based on the results of the gameplay analysis, we proposed four design guidelines to help in the design and production of a systemic game: (1) ensuring that the system is true to the game's core identity, (2) ensuring verisimilitude and consistency, (3) ensuring that the game's systems complement each other and work together, and (4) ensuring that the game is fun and provides an ideal experience for the player.

Keywords:computer game, systemic game, system analysis, emergent gameplay, design guidelines

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