
Modeliranje in 3D tiskanje lutke s krogličnimi zglobi
ID Zidanšek, Sandra (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo je bilo usmerjeno v področje 3D modeliranja in 3D tiska lutke s krogličnimi zglobi. V teoriji smo spoznali zgodovino lutk s krogličnimi zglobi oz. BJD lutk (angl. ball-jointed doll) ter njihove značilnosti. Predstavili smo tehnike 3D modeliranja, tehnologije 3D tiska ter kako se ti dve področji povezujeta z oblikovanjem lutk. V eksperimentalnem delu smo opisali postopek načrtovanja in skiciranja BJD lutke v programu Paint Tool SAI s pomočjo grafične tablice. Opisali smo postopek in tehnike 3D modeliranja BJD lutke v programski opremi za 3D modeliranje Blender. Med modeliranjem smo se poglobili v različne zglobe ter razpon gibanja, ki ga je lutka dosegala. Seznanili smo se s pomembnimi lastnostmi za pripravo datotek na tisk v programu PreForm ter s 3D tiskalnikom Form 2 proizvajalca FormLabs. Tiskalnik Form 2 je deloval na tehnologiji fotopolimerizacije v kadi oz. stereolitografije (kratica SLA), ki je strjevala fotopolimerno smolo z lasersko ultravijolično (UV) svetlobo. Opisali smo poobdelavo lutke, natisnjene v beli fotopolimerni smoli, ki smo jo spirali v kopeli izopropilnega alkohola (kratica IPA) ter jo dodatno utrdili z UV svetlobo. Opisali smo tudi postopek napenjanja delov BJD lutke ter izdelavo lesenega stojala. Na koncu smo se poglobili v razpon gibanja, ki ga je lutka dosegala, opisali smo proces fotografiranja končnega izdelka, komentirali doseganje ciljev in potencialne izboljšave ter ovrednotili rezultate.

Keywords:3D tisk, 3D modeliranje, lutke s krogličnimi zglobi, stereolitografija, poobdelava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2023
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Title:Modeling and 3D printing of ball-jointed doll
The thesis focused on the field of 3D modeling and 3D printing of ball-jointed dolls. In the theoretical part, we explored the history of ball-jointed dolls (shortened BJD) and their characteristics. We presented 3D modeling techniques, 3D printing technologies, and how these two areas were connected to doll design. In the experimental part, we described the process of designing and sketching a BJD doll using the Paint Tool SAI software with the help of a graphics tablet. We explained the process and techniques of 3D modeling a BJD doll using the 3D modeling software Blender. During the modeling process, we delved into various joints and the range of movement that the doll achieved. We familiarized ourselves with important file preparation features for 3D printing in the PreForm software and the 3D printer Form 2 made by FormLabs. The Form 2 printer operated on the technology of stereolithography (shortened SLA), which hardened photopolymer resin with laser ultraviolet (UV) light. We described the post-processing of the doll, printed in white photopolymer resin, which involved rinsing it in isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and further curing it with UV light. The process of stringing parts of the BJD doll and creating a wooden stand was also described. Finally, we delved into the range of movement achieved by the doll, described the process of photographing the final product, commented on the achievement of set goals and potential improvements, and evaluated the results.

Keywords:3D print, 3D modeling, ball-jointed doll, BJD, stereolithography

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