
Oblikovanje in modeliranje 3D likov za otroke
ID Kovač, Pia (Author), ID Iskra, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je oblikovati in zasnovati 3D-modeliran otroški lik, ki bo s svojo zanimivo vizualno podobo pritegnil pozornost otrok in vzbudil njihovo zanimanje. Uporabljal bi se lahko v video igrah, kot lik v animiranih risankah, maskota itd. Hkrati je namen raziskati in predstaviti, kaj je tisto, kar naredi lik poseben, ter katere elemente je treba upoštevati, da bo le-ta pritegnil pozornost otrok. V diplomski nalogi smo opredelili celoten postopek razvoja in oblikovanja 3D-lika. V teoretičnem delu smo podrobneje predstavili teorijo razvoja lika in analizirali vse elemente, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati, ko oblikujemo 3D-modeliran lik, namenjen otroškemu občinstvu. Pri razvoju lika, za katerega želimo, da ima ustrezno vizualno sporočilnost, je ključnega pomena razumevanje osnov teorije razvoja lika. Pri tem smo izpostavili nekaj vizualnih in psiholoških vplivov, ki jih lahko dosežemo s poznavanjem in vpeljevanjem teorije barv in jezika oblik. Sledil je opis postopka zasnove in oblikovanja lika. Predstavili smo tudi program Blender, ki smo ga uporabili pri postopku modeliranja. Eksperimentalni del zajema postopek razvoja in modeliranja lastnega 3D-lika, vse od začetne idejne stopnje do končne implementacije lika na različna področja vizualne komunikacije. Začeli smo s predstavitvijo idejne zasnove in definicije problema. Postopek modeliranja smo prikazali s slikovnim gradivom in podrobnim opisom. Nato je sledilo dodajanje tekstur in materialov, pri čemer smo se zaradi zabavnega videza odločili za učinek gline in plastelina. Po končanih postavitvah scene in osvetlitve smo lik na koncu še upodobili. Končni rezultat diplomskega dela predstavlja upodobitev lika s primeri njegove uporabe.

Keywords:3D-lik, razvoj lika, Blender, modeliranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149178 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Designing and modeling 3D characters for children
The aim of this thesis is to design and create a 3D character for children that will attract their attention and interest with its interesting visual image. The goal is to design a character that can be used as a video game character, cartoon character or a mascot. At the same time, the aim is to explore and present what it is that makes a character special, and what elements need to be taken into account for it to attract children's attention. We have presented the whole process of developing and designing a 3D character. In the theoretical part, we have presented in detail the theory of character development and analysed all the elements that must be considered when designing a character for children. Understanding the basics of character design theory is crucial when developing a character that spreads the right visual message. We have highlighted some of the visual and psychological influences that can be achieved by knowing and applying colour theory and shape language. This is followed by a description of the process of character conception and design. We also introduced the Blender software that we used in the modelling process. The experimental part covered the process of developing and modelling 3D character of our own, from the initial conceptualisation to the final implementation of the character in different areas of visual communication. We started with the presentation of the conceptual design and the definition of our problem. We presented the modelling process with pictures and a detailed description. After the modelling process, we added textures and materials, opting for a clay effect that added a fun look. Finally, after the scene was set and the lighting was finished, we exported the character. The final result is a depiction of the character, with examples of how the character can be used.

Keywords:3D character, character design, Blender, modelling

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