
Priprava rekombinantnega človeškega ß-katenina v fuziji s fluorescenčnimi proteini na N- in C-koncu
ID Jerina, Rebeka (Author), ID Gaber, Aljaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Rak debelega črevesa in danke (RDCD) je ena izmed najpogostejših in najsmrtonosnejših bolezni na svetu, za katero še vedno ne poznamo učinkovitega zdravljenja. Pogost vzrok za bolezen so mutacije v genu za APC, ogrodnem proteinu ß-katenin uničevalnega kompleksa, ki je pomemben člen signalne poti Wnt. Slednja regulira znotrajcelični nivo ß-katenina, ki ob aktivaciji signalne poti Wnt deluje kot transkripcijski koaktivator genov Wnt v jedu. Pravilno delovanje ß-katenin uničevalnega kompleksa, ki z razgradnjo citoplazemskega ß-katenina vzdržuje ustrezen nivo omenjenega transkripcijskega aktivatorja, je ključno za pravilno proliferacijo celic, nepravilnosti katere vodijo v razvoj različnih rakavih obolenj. Da bi bolje razumeli delovanje uničevalnega kompleksa, je potrebna karakterizacija v kompleksu sodelujočih proteinov. V ta namen smo želeli pripraviti in izolirati rekombinantni človeški ß-katenin v fuziji s fluorescenčnima proteinoma na N- in C- koncu, kar bi nam omogočilo nadaljnje študije njegove vloge v delovanju kompleksa in napredovanju raka. Zaradi nagnjenosti proteina k cepitvi tekom izražanja, smo se njegove priprave lotili po postopku, ki je bil optimiziran za pripravo ß-katenina brez fuzij. Prav tako smo za lažjo izolacijo necepljenih produktov protein izražali v dvojni fuziji. To se je izkazalo za učinkovito, saj nam je željeni ß-katenin v fuziji s fluorescenčnima proteinoma sfGFP in mCherry uspelo izraziti in izolirati. Za potrditev učinkovitosti postopka bi morali izvesti še dodatne kvantitativne analize. Pred uporabo pripravljenega ß-katenina za nadaljnje raziskave pa bi bilo potrebno protein do konca očistiti in skoncentrirati.

Keywords:ß-katenin, mCherry, sfGFP, rak debelega črevesa in danke, signalna pot Wnt
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149123 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165280515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2023
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Title:Preparation of recombinant human ß-catenin, fused with fluorescent proteins at the N- and C-terminus
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common and deadly diseases in the world, for which we still do not know an effective treatment. A frequent cause of the disease are mutations in the gene for APC, a key protein of the ß-catenin destruction complex, which is an important component of the Wnt signaling pathway. The latter regulates the intracellular level of ß-catenin, which acts as a transcriptional co-activator of Wnt genes in the nucleus upon activation of the Wnt signaling pathway. Proper functioning of the ß-catenin destruction complex, which maintains the appropriate level of this transcriptional activator by degrading cytoplasmic ß-catenin, is essential for proper cell proliferation, abnormalities of which lead to the development of various cancers. To better understand the functioning of the destruction complex, it is necessary to characterize the proteins involved in the complex. For this purpose, we wanted to prepare and isolate recombinant human ß-catenin in fusion with fluorescent proteins at the N- and C-terminus, which would enable further studies of its role in the functioning of the complex and cancer progression. Due to the tendency of the protein to cleave during expression, we approached its preparation by a procedure that was optimized for the preparation of ß-catenin without fusions. We also expressed the protein in a double fusion for easier isolation of uncleaved products. This proved to be effective, as we were able to express and isolate the desired ß-catenin in fusion with fluorescent proteins sfGFP and mCherry. To confirm the effectiveness of the procedure, additional quantitative analyses should be performed. Before using the prepared ß-catenin for further research, it would be necessary to purify and concentrate the protein completely.

Keywords:ß-catenin, mCherry, sfGFP, colorectal cancer, Wnt signaling pathway

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