In the theoretical part of the thesis titled Self-Portrait in Children's Drawing between 1 and 6 Years of Age, I presented the development of the child's drawings or more specifically, I was particularly interested in the development of a child's self-portrait. In my work, I covered the chapters of child development, developmental characteristics between the sexes (genders), art, the development of children's drawing and the development of the laws of drawing the human figure. I also presented the self-portrait and its purpose, as well as the role of an adult and the evaluation of children's drawings. I focused mainly on pre-school children, aged between 1 and 6 years, because it seems to me that this is when children's drawings develop the most and there are many important differences between their drawings.
In the empirical work, I used the internationally recognized Goodenough-Harris scale for evaluating children's figure drawing (Goodenough draw -a - person test, b.d.) and analyzed the features of children's self-portraits. By analyzing the drawings, I wanted to find out which facial attributes are the most characteristic for each age level of the child, whether girls draw in more detail than boys, how the child's drawing differs from his description, and how often the child draws a self-portrait in the form of the whole figure. In the research, I included children who attend one of the kindergartens in Grosuplje.