
Izolacija in analiza lastnosti proteina gp1 bakteriofaga GIL01
ID Praček, Neža (Author), ID Butala, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Bakteriofag GIL01 je temperatni fag iz družine Tectiviridae, ki okužuje izolate bakterije Bacillus thuringiensis. Genom faga je linearna DNA, ki se tekom lizogenega cikla podvaja kot samostojni replikon. Prehod v litični cikel se zgodi ob sprožitvi bakterijskega sistema SOS, kot odgovor na obsežne poškodbe genoma. Za vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje lizogenega cikla potrebuje fag dva lastna proteina – gp1 in gp7 ter bakterijski represor LexA. Lastnosti proteina gp1 niso dobro poznane. Izolirali smo rekombinantni protein gp1 brez ali v kompleksu z nespecifično DNA, ki kot nečistoca tvori kompleks s proteinom gp1 tekom izolacije proteina. Z analizo interakcij med molekulami s površinsko plazmonsko resonanco smo potrdili, da se protein gp1 veže na področje promotorja P2 bakteriofaga GIL01. Za vezavo gp1 je pomemben nukleotidni motiv, ki tvori direktno ponovitev navzdol od elementa -10 promotorja P2. Glede na pridobljene rezultate predvidevamo, da operatorsko zaporedje sestavljeno iz direktne ponovitve deluje kot mesto nukleacije. Nanj se protein gp1 najprej veže in nato kooperativno polimerizira navzgor, da kot represor prekrije promotorski element P2. S promotorskim področjem P2 interagira približno sedem molekul proteina gp1, ki na DNA najverjetneje tvorijo filament. Z uporabo prečnih povezovalcev in ločbe proteinov na poliakrilamidni gelski elektroforezi v prisotnosti natrijevega dodecilsulfata smo ugotovili, da protein gp1 ne tvori oligomerov, ko je prost v raztopini. Izdelali smo tri dimenzionalni model strukture proteina gp1, ki nakazuje, da gp1 vsebuje tri ɑ-vijačnice, tri ꞵ-ravnine in pet zank.

Keywords:temperatni bakteriofag GIL01, protein gp1, Bacillus thuringiensis
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Praček]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149082 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163240963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2023
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Title:Isolation and characterisation of protein gp1 of bacteriophage GIL01
Bacteriophage GIL01 is a temperate phage of the Tectiviridae family that infects isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis. Th0e GIL01 phage genome is a linear DNA that replicates like an autonomous replicon during a lysogenic cycle. When the SOS response is activated in bacteria after genome damage, the phage becomes lytic. Two phage proteins are required to maintain the lysogenic cycle – gp1 and gp7, as well as the bacterial repressor LexA. Protein gp1 characteristics are not well known. We isolated the protein gp1 without or in a complex with nonspecific DNA, which forms a complex with the protein as an impurity during protein isolation. By analyzing the interactions between the molecules with surface plasmon resonance, we confirmed that protein gp1 binds to the P2 promoter region of bacteriophage GIL01. The nucleotide motif of two direct repeats downstream of the -10 element of promoter P2 is important for gp1 binding. Based on our results, we suggest that the direct repeat sequence of the operator functions as a nucleation site. First, the protein gp1 binds to this specific site and then it polymerizes upstream to cover the P2 promoter and represes it. On average, seven molecules of protein gp1 interact with promoter P2 and most likely form a filament on DNA. Using cross-linking and protein resolution on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, we conclude that protein gp1 does not form oligomers when free in solution. We build a three-dimensional model of the structure of protein gp1 and suggest that protein gp1 consists of three ɑ-helixes, three ꞵ-sheets, and five loops.

Keywords:temperate bacteriophage GIL01, protein gp1, Bacillus thuringiensis

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