
Izgradnja podatkovnega centra in izvajanje meritev univerzalnega ožičenja z inštrumentom Fluke dsx-8000
ID Foršček, Erik (Author), ID Begeš, Gaber (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Univerzalno ožičenje je pojem, ki zajema vse sisteme, kateri za delovanje potrebujejo povezavo na lokalno oz. globalno internetno omrežje. Ideja je, da se na enem sistemu združi analogna in digitalna telefonija, lokalne komunikacijske povezava, dostop do spleta, serverjev in drugih sistemov. V preteklosti so različne naprave zahtevale ločene sisteme, kar je pomenilo ločeno strojno opremo, in dodatne stroške, pa tudi težave pri morebitnih spremembah lokacije naprav. Zaradi vseh težav in v želji po zmanjšanju stroškov so se stari sistemi združili v skupek, ki mu pravimo univerzalno ožičenje. Glavna prednost univerzalnega ožičenja je dejstvo, da je za vse naprave potrebna samo ena vrsta kabla, ena vrsta aktivne in pasivne opreme, kar pomeni, da lahko naprave enostavno rotiramo ali zamenjamo med seboj, prav tako lahko predvidimo in se pripravimo na morebitne spremembe v prihodnost in na širitev sistema. Dobro in premišljeno načrtovanje univerzalnega ožičenja nam lahko prihrani ogromno časa in denarja, tako v času postavitve kot v času vzdrževanja in dograditve sistema. Celotno ožičenje je narejeno v skladu z aktualnimi zahtevami in standardi, ki se nanašajo na to področje. Po koncu izvedbe je potrebno omrežje certificirati z merilnim inštrumentom, ki je redno kalibriran s strani pristojnega organa in šele takrat lahko izvajalec stoji za svojim delom in zanj izda tudi garancijo na strojno opremo. V nadaljevanju sem podrobneje opisal načrtovanje in izgradnjo sodobnega podatkovnega centra, opozoril sem na zahteve in težave, na katere je potrebno biti pozoren pri delu, pa tudi na postopke in načine merjenja in označevanja tako bakrenih kot tudi optičnih povezav.

Keywords:univerzalno ožičenje, merjenje, internet, podatkovni center.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148786 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163048963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Data center implementation and performance of universal wiring measurements with the Fluke dsx-8000 instrument
Universal wiring is a term that includes all systems that require a connection to a local, or global Ethernet network. The idea is to combine analog and digital telephony, local communication connections, access to the Internet, servers, and other systems on one system. In the past, different devices required separate systems, which meant separate hardware and additional costs, as well as problems with possible changes in the location of devices. Because of all the problems, and in the desire to reduce costs, the old systems were combined into a group called universal wiring. The main advantage of universal wiring is the fact that only one type of cable, one type of active and passive equipment is needed for all devices, which means that devices can be easily rotated or replaced with each other, and we can also anticipate and prepare for possible changes in the future and on system expansion. Good and well-thought-out planning of universal wiring can save us a lot of time and money, both during installation and during maintenance and upgrading of the system. The entire wiring is made in accordance with the current requirements and standards relating to this area. At the end of the implementation, the network must be certified, with a measuring instrument that is regularly calibrated by the competent authority, and only then can the contractor stand behind his work and issue a warranty for the hardware. In the following, I described in more detail the planning and construction of a moderen data center, I drew attention to the requirements and problems that need to be paid attention while working, as well as the procedures and methods of measuring and labeling, both copper and optical connections

Keywords:universal wiring, measuring, ethernet, data center.

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