
Vloga energetskih virov v zunanji politiki : magistrsko delo
ID Klenkoska, Diana (Author), ID Bojinović Fenko, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zunanja energetska politika države je eno ključnih žarišč zunanjepolitičnega delovanja države v svetu. Zunanja politika vsake države oziroma tisti, ki o njej odloča in jo izvaja, ima na voljo različne instrumente za uveljavljanje svojih interesov. Energetski viri so del zmogljvosti, vključno z instrumenti, s katerimi država razpolaga za uresničevanje zunanjepolitičnih ciljev. Namen magistrske naloge je prikazati, kako se energetski viri uporabljajo kot instrumenti zunanje politike. Allisonov model racionalnega akterja (RAM), ki pozornost osredotoča na zunanjepolitične cilje, uporabim kot konceptualni okvir za primerjalno analizo dveh študij primerov. Cilj dela je dokazati, da se energetski viri lahko uporabljajo kot zunanjepolitični instrument za doseganje različnih strateških ciljev. Rusija in Katar sta analizirana kot najprimernejša primera za odgovor na raziskovalno vprašanje: kakšni so strateški cilji držav pri uporabi energetskih virov kot zunanjepolitičnih instrumentov? Ugotovim, da je za Rusijo je to ustvarjanje ugodnih zunanjih pogojev za notranji razvoj in krepitev položaja kot enega od odgovornih, vplivnih in neodvisnih središč sodobnega sveta. Po drugi strani je katarska vlada uporabila energetske zmogljivosti za podporo domače gospodarske rasti in neodvisne zunanje politike.

Keywords:energetski viri, zunanjepolitični cilji, energetske zmogljivosti, instrumenti zunanje politike, Rusija, Katar
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:D. Klenkoska
Number of pages:61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148715 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163988739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The role of energy resources in foreign policy
The foreign energy policy of a state is one of the key foci of its foreign policy engagement in the world. Any country's foreign policy, or those who decide on and carry out its policies, has a variety of instruments at its disposal to assert its interests. Energy resources are part of the capabilities, including instruments at the state's disposal to carry out its foreign policy objectives. The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate how energy resources are used as instruments in foreign policy. RAM is applied as a conceptual framework, using multiple case studies and comparative method as this model focuses attention on the state’s foreign policy goals. Furthermore, the aim is to prove that energy resources can be used as foreign policy instruments to achieve different strategic goals. Russia and Qatar are analyzed as the most suitable cases for answering the research question: what are states’ strategic goals in using energy resources as foreign policy instruments? The analysis establishes that for Russia, it is a creation of favorable external conditions for internal development and strengthening the position as one of the responsible, influential, and independent centers of the modern world. On the other side, Qatar's government has used energy capabilities to support domestic economic growth and an independent foreign policy.

Keywords:energy resources, foreign policy objectives, energy capabilities, foreign policy instruments

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