The paper describes the phenomenological case study of a painter Suzana Brborović during the creation of her
artwork — Structural Saturation (2014). The first part of this paper depicts the analysis of agency and its constituent (control, presence, physical experience, the perception of media affordances), which was completed with the help of descriptive sampling (Hurlburt & Heavy, 2006), elicitation interview (Petitmengin, 2006), and the motive of the artwork that places the artist in the wider social and cultural context. The second part of the paper focuses mainly on the relationship between the experience and the artistic procedure that the artist uses to construct a new form of multifaceted space, which is described with the term heterotopy (Foucault, 1986). The methodological plasticity, with which we observe the spatial discussion that arises during the artist’s creative process, coincides with the new post-humanist approaches used in qualitative research of new materiality (Jewitt, 2016; St. Pierre, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to discover the prerequisites for the emergence of a heterotopic space that encompasses the issues of digital media influence on the artist’s agency as well as autonomy and authenticity that it permits.