
Načrtovanje zamenjave prašnega filtra znotraj letnega remonta neprekinjene proizvodne linije
ID Kenda, Andraž (Author), ID Rihar, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kušar, Janez (Comentor)

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V neprekinjenih proizvodnih linijah predstavlja zamenjava strojev in strojnih delov velik časovni in stroškovni izziv. Zaradi narave teh procesov je menjava mogoča zgolj med planiranimi zaustavitvami, katerih trajanje je omejeno, vsako podaljšanje zaustavitve pa prinaša dodatne stroške. Za uspešno obvladovanje teh stroškov sta zato ključna analiziranje projektnih tveganj in natančno načrtovanje del med zaustavitvijo. V magistrski nalogi bomo analizirali projektna tveganja realnega projekta zamenjave prašnega filtra ter predlagali ukrepe za zmanjšanje njihovega vpliva. Za kritična tveganja bomo ukrepe določili in analizirali s pomočjo krivulj tveganj, pri čemer bo pričakovana izguba vsakega posameznega tveganja nižja od sprejemljivih vrednosti. Podrobni časovni načrt montaže, ki mora biti zaključena v roku štirih tednov, bo izdelan na podlagi rezultatov analize SMED ter ocenjenih časov posameznih monterskih operacij. Zaradi tesnega časovnega okna montaže se bo posebna pozornost namenila vzporednemu izvajanju del, končni terminski plan pa bo služil kot ključno orodje za pripravo na montažo in spremljanje napredka med njeno izvedbo.

Keywords:projektno vodenje, analiza tveganj, obvladovanje tveganj, krivulje tveganj, metoda SMED, terminsko planiranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Kenda]
Number of pages:XVIII, 65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148511 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164557827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Planning the replacement of a dust filter within the annual refit of a continuous production line
In continuous production lines, the replacement of machines and machine parts presents a significant challenge in terms of both time and cost. Due to the nature of these processes, replacements can only be carried out during planned shutdowns, which have limited durations. Any extension of the shutdown period results in additional cost. To effectively mitigate these costs, project risks analysis and precise planning of the work during the shutdown are crucial. In this master's thesis we will analyse the project risks associated with a real project involving the replacement of a dust filter, and propose measures to minimize their impact. For high-priority risks, we will define and analyse measures using risk curves, ensuring that the expected loss of each individual risk is lower than acceptable values. A detailed assembly schedule, which must be completed within a four-week timeframe, will be developed based on the results of the SMED analysis and estimated times for each assembly operation. Due to the tight assembly window, special attention will be given to concurrent task execution, and the final schedule will serve as a crucial tool for preparation and monitoring progress during its implementation.

Keywords:project management, risk analysis, risk management, risk curves, SMED, time management

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