
Stanje in potrebe na področju dela s starimi ljudmi v občini Grosuplje : magistrsko delo
ID Golobič, Andreja (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rape Žiberna, Tamara (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje stanja in potreb na področju dela s starimi ljudmi v občini Grosuplje. V teoretičnem delu sem se dotaknila trenda staranja, starosti prijaznih občin ter staranja na mestu, predstavila že zbrane podatke o potrebah starih ljudi in obstoječe oblike pomoči za stare ljudi v Sloveniji, ki močno posegajo tudi na področje dolgotrajne oskrbe. Na koncu teoretičnega uvoda sem predstavila občino Grosuplje, saj sem znotraj nje izvedla kombinirano raziskavo. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila rezultate, ki sem jih pridobila z izvedbo treh individualnih ter dveh diadnih intervjujev z izvajalci storitev in programov za stare ljudi v občini Grosuplje ter spletne ankete, izvedene med občankami in občani Grosuplja, pri obeh sem se poslužila priročnega vzorčenja. Vprašanja so bila vezana na (aktualne) potrebe starih ljudi, preživljanje starosti, poznavanje storitev in programov za stare ljudi, starosti prijazno občino, sodelovanje med izvajalci, izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo, odzivanjem na trend staranja itd. Ugotovila sem, da se trend staranja kaže predvsem v povečanju števila prošenj za institucionalno varstvo in večanju števila uporabnikov z demenco, za katere pa ustreznih storitev in programov ni dovolj. Kot aktualne potrebe so se tako pokazale skupine za samopomoč sorodnikov ljudi z demenco ter ostali programi, prilagojeni ljudem z demenco, glede oblik bivanja pa se kaže potreba po oskrbovanih stanovanjih. Tako sogovorniki kot anketirani so v veliki meri mnenja, da je Grosuplje starosti prijazna občina, kar se odraža predvsem preko prevozov, ki zadovoljujejo potrebo starih ljudi po mobilnosti. Po mnenju anketiranih je v občini v povprečju dovolj storitev in programov za stare ljudi, za bolj kakovostno življenje starih ljudi pa nekaj izboljšav vidijo predvsem na področju spoštovanja in vključevanja v družbo ter obveščanja. Pri sami informiranosti o storitvah in programih je raziskava pokazala, da je ta med občankami in občani slaba, kot najpomembnejši vir informacij pa se je izkazal lokalni časopis Grosupeljski odmevi. Glede preživljanja starosti bi si tako sogovorniki kot anketirani želeli to obdobje preživljati v domačem okolju, institucionalno varstvo pa vidijo le kot alternativno možnost, ki bi se ji raje izognili. Glede samega sodelovanja med izvajalci sem ugotovila, da je to dobro, priložnosti za nova sodelovanja pa vidijo predvsem na področju paliativne oskrbe (paliativni tim). Rezultati raziskave so uporabni za izvajalce storitev in programov za stare ljudi, saj bodo dobili pregled nad trenutnim stanjem oskrbe starih ljudi in področji morebitnega manka.

Keywords:potrebe starih ljudi, dolgotrajna oskrba, občina Grosuplje, storitve in programi na področju dela s starimi ljudmi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Golobič]
Number of pages:199 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148480 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:192411651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Situation and Needs in Working with the Elderly in the Municipality of Grosuplje
The master's thesis focuses on examining the situation and needs in working with the elderly in the Municipality of Grosuplje. The theoretical section touches on the ageing trend, age-friendly municipalities, and ageing in place; it presents previously collected data on the needs of the elderly and the existing forms of assistance provided to old people in Slovenia, which greatly influence the area of long-term care. At the end of the theoretical section, the Municipality of Grosuplje is presented, which is where the combined survey was conducted. The empirical section presents the results obtained by conducting three one-on-one and two dyadic interviews with providers of services and programmes for the elderly in the Municipality of Grosuplje, and through an online survey administered to residents of Grosuplje; in both cases, convenience sampling was used. The questions related to the (current) needs of old people; to ways of spending free time in old age; to familiarization with services and programmes for the elderly; to the age-friendly municipality; to cooperation among providers; to the challenges they face; to reactions to the ageing trend, etc. It has been established that the ageing trend is mostly evident in the increased number of applications for institutional care and the growing number of service users with dementia, for whom there are not enough suitable services and programmes. Thus, the current needs have turned out to be self-help groups of relatives of people with dementia and other programmes adapted to people with dementia; as far as forms of housing are concerned, there is a need for assisted living residences. Both the interviewees and the respondents are largely of the opinion that Grosuplje is an age-friendly municipality, which is mostly evident from the offer of transport services that meets old people's mobility needs. According to the respondents, the municipality offers, on average, enough services and programmes for the elderly; however, they feel that the quality of life of the elderly could be improved further by showing respect for them, including them in society, and keeping them informed. The survey has shown that residents are poorly informed of the services and programmes; the most important source of information has turned out to be the local newspaper Grosupeljski odmevi. Both the interviewees and the respondents would like to spend their old age in their home environment; they view institutional care as an alternative option, which they would rather avoid. It has been determined that cooperation among providers is good; they see opportunities for new forms of cooperation mostly in the field of palliative care (a palliative team). The research results are useful for providers of services and programmes for the elderly, as they give an overview of the current situation in elderly care and of potential deficit areas.

Keywords:old people's needs, long-term care, Municipality of Grosuplje, services and programmes in working with the elderly

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