Introduction: Usually a classic way to prepare a metal framework is by preparing and duplicating a plaster model, modeling the wax base and investing it in the investment mass. However, in recent years CAD/CAM technologies are more and more used in dental practise, including in the process of making metal frameworks. CAD/CAM technologies are also compatible with classic procedures and manufacturing of metal frameworks. Purpose: Purpose of the diploma work is to present,time difference between the design of metal framework using classical work method and the design using digital work method. Methods: The theoretical part of the thesis was written using the descriptive method. The practical part of the thesis was made in dental laboratory. We designed ten metal bases with digital work method and ten with classic work method. In the end we compared the time difference between the two tehniques Results: In results, we present the process of digital and classical designing of metal base. The process is supported with graphical material. We also present the time measurments of the design and the differences that appeared between one and the other. This part was also supported with graphical material. Discussion and conclusion: Nowadays, more and more modern technologies are included in everyday practice. The development of CAD/CAM in the field of removable prosthetics is also incresing. Digital production of metal frameworks presents itself with many advantages. Some of these advantages are in accuracy of planning, improved quality and in reduced producition time. The best production of metal framework is achived with complete digital approach, the second best is achived with classic aprroach in production and in the third place is achived with combination of the two.