In our modern world, full of computers, without which we cannot imagine our lives, the question of a more ecologically friendly lifestyle has arisen recently. Namely, computer equipment represents more than 10 \% of the world's electricity consumption. In order to reduce consumption, a branch of computer science called green computing (GC) has emerged in the last few years. There are many categories under this term, all aimed at reducing environmental pollution. Among these categories, we chose power management (PM) as the subject of our thesis. The motive for this topic is mainly the search for a way to reduce the electricity consumption of personal computers. We tackled the problem by initially looking for the necessary tools for measuring the electricity consumption of personal computers. Consumption was measured physically with an electricity consumption meter between 20 % and 100 % computer occupancy. At the same time, we started the measurements programmatically. With the help of selected software tools, we measured the consumption of major users in the computer. Then, with the help of various sources, we looked for ways to reduce the consumption of individual components and finally measured the performance and consumption of the computer again and compared the results.