
Potenciali sodelovanja knjižnic, arhivov in muzejev kot dediščinskih ustanov pri ohranjanju kulturne dediščine : doktorska disertacija
ID Zorko, Teja (Author), ID Gabrič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šabec, Ksenija (Comentor)

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Kulturna dediščina velja kot skupna presečna množica t. i. dediščinskih ustanov, knjižnic, arhivov in muzejev (KAM). Tematika povezovanja teh ustanov je v tujini že dolgo aktualna tema, ki jo spodbujajo različne družbene spremembe, pa tudi upravno-finančne tendence in odločitve kulturnih politik. V zadnjih desetih letih so razprave postale bolj kontinuirane in fokusirane, delno zaradi vzpostavitve nekaterih vladnih mehanizmov financiranja in upravljanja virov kulturne dediščine v ZDA, Veliki Britaniji in Avstraliji, ki so sodelovanja KAM pomembno spodbudili. V Sloveniji medinstitucionalnih povezav na to temo nimamo, vsaka od KAM ustanov je zamejena v svoje lastne ločene okvire, kar ilustrira že bežen pregled osnovne zakonodaje, ki ureja vsako posamezno področje. Kljub temu pa že hiter pregled vizij razvoja oz. aspiracij posameznih KAM disciplin kaže, da vse tri odražajo podobne težnje, s katerimi se odzivajo na potrebe družbe, kakor jih zaznavajo, v ospredje stopa njihovo zavedanje pomena za skupnost, kakor morda tudi strah, da ne bi posamezne od KAM ustanov svoje vloge v družbi začele izgubljati. Namreč podobne vizije razvoja, kot si jih zadajajo muzealci, zasledimo tudi v aktualnih teoretičnih načelih splošnih knjižnic, ki svoj fokus vse bolj usmerjajo na uporabnika oz. dobrobit lokalne skupnosti, kar odraža program proaktivne knjižnice v lokalnem okolju, o uporabniškem vidiku delovanja razmišljajo tudi arhivi. Kulturna dediščina se kaže kot eno od orodij za reševanje trenutne družbene situacije, muzeji kot temeljne dediščinske ustanove (enako lahko rečemo tudi za knjižnice in arhive) pa sprejemajo vlogo družbenih katalizatorjev, ki družbo oblikujejo in jo demokratizirajo. Kljub vse bolj podobnim ciljem pa slovenske KAM institucije ostajajo še povsem zamejene v lastne ločene »silose«, ki jih v tujini pod različnimi vplivi in na različnih nivojih že presegajo in to v dovolj raznolikih razponih, da je v teoretičnih razpravah nastala potreba po tehtnejšem razločevanju kolaboracijskih procesov. S pomočjo teoretičnega modela sodelovalnega kontinuuma je omogočeno natančnejše razločevanje med mnogimi disparatnimi vidiki sodelovanja (od kontakta, preko kooperacije, koordinacije, kolaboracije, do konvergence), saj je termin sodelovanje pogosto uporabljen na preveč ohlapen in nekonsistenten način. V disertaciji smo podali pregled izbranih tujih virov in zaznali dva poglavitna tokova KAM povezovanj, ki smo ju poimenovali anglosaksonski in evropski pojmovni okvir ter izpostavili njune poglavitne značilnosti. Intenzivno združevanje KAM na način medinstitucionalnega zlitja v tistih okoljih v tujini, kjer so se za takšne prakse odločili na nivoju kulturnih politik, nima nujno izključno dobrih učinkov, temveč lahko celo vodi v okrnitev katere od strokovnih disciplin ali v osiromašenje katere od posameznih komponent njihovega delovanja. Iz teh ugotovitev izhaja, da je potrebno ohraniti samostojna jedra posameznih disciplin, ki pa se v določenih posameznih segmentih svojega delovanja in organizacije lahko konsenzualno medsebojno povezujejo ali celo povsem poenotijo, bodisi da bi si zmanjšale stroške, optimizirale kadrovske vire ali enostavno ponudile boljšo storitev. Dobrodejni učinki integracije se lahko skrivajo v plasti dodane vrednosti, ki deluje harmonično z obstoječimi funkcijami, npr. integrirana razstavna dejavnost, integriran digitalni repozitorij, integrirane storitvene točke, vendar naj globlje organizacijske plasti obdržijo obstoječi format zbirke in institucionalno integriteto. V nadaljevanju smo podali pregled KAM sodelovanj v slovenski strokovni literaturi ter ga osvetlili z različnih vidikov, ki smo jih zaznali. Izpostavili smo vidik upravljanja zbirk, vidik digitalizacije ter splošni vidik, osvetlili zakonodajo, relevantno za dediščinske ustanove, ter uvedli razmislek o ustanovah KAM v javni sferi. Kot teoretični okvir smo vpeljali model organizacijskega učenja. Znotraj takšnega teoretičnega okvirja se KAM kažejo kot potencialni partnerji znotraj širšega omrežja dediščinskih institucij, ki si lahko izmenjujejo znanja in izkušnje s pomočjo visoke absorbcijske sposobnosti podobnih dediščinskih temeljnih znanj, vendar različnih specializacij vsake posamezne discipline, in s skupnim sistemskim mišljenjem ter podpiranjem pri dinamičnem prilagajanju kompetenc glede na spremembe družbenih okoliščin, ki na vse partnerje v omrežju relativno podobno učinkujejo. Pri vzpostavljanju teoretskega okvirja nas je zanimal predvsem družbeni in organizacijski vidik KAM kot javnega prostora, ne pa informacijski vidik. Čeprav digitalne tehnologije v marsičem olajšujejo dostop do sodelovanja, obenem tudi zameglijo jasen pregled, kako KAM ustanove konstruirajo in ustvarjajo konvergence znotraj fizičnega dediščinskega okolja. Sledili smo priporočilu, da niso tehnološki sistemi tisti, ki ustvarjajo konvergence, temveč ljudje, ki konvergirajo svoje miselne sisteme in posledično organizacijske vrednote. Skladno s to predpostavko smo v okviru različnih študij primera ustreznih KAM entitet in s pomočjo intervjujev kompetentnih KAM strokovnjakov raziskovali potencialne možnosti sodelovanj KAM v Sloveniji. Pri oblikovanju raziskovalnih vprašanj smo izhajali iz predpostavke, da KAM na načelni ravni prepoznavajo potrebnost ali celo nujnost večjega medsebojnega sodelovanja zlasti na področju kulturne dediščine, kar bi v Sloveniji pomenilo preseganje dosedanjih okvirov, kakor jih zastavlja zakonodaja. Izhajajoč iz temeljnega raziskovalnega problema smo oblikovali dve ključni raziskovalni vprašanji, eno ustreza spoznavno-teoretskemu vidiku disertacije, drugo pa aplikativnemu: analizirati obstoječe stanje sodelovanja KAM ustanov v Sloveniji na področju kulturne dediščine glede na teoretsko že opredeljeni petfazni sodelovalni kontinuum ter ugotoviti, katere so potencialno najbolj primerne možnosti oziroma oblike sodelovanja KAM v Sloveniji na področju kulturne dediščine. Raziskovalno delo smo natančneje opredelili z razčlenjujočimi vprašanji, ki podpirajo prvi dve s prispevanjem specifičnih, delnih odgovorov. Opredeliti, kakšne so potencialne koristi in potencialne pomanjkljivosti sodelovanja KAM na področju kulturne dediščine glede na specifičnosti slovenskega okolja, kako izkoristiti raznolikost potencialov, ko se pri sodelovanju na področju kulturne dediščine srečujejo multidisciplinarna znanja strokovnjakov KAM ustanov, kje vodstva izbranih ustanov vidijo razvojne možnosti konvergirane KAM ter v kolikšni meri so se knjižnice, arhivi in muzeji pripravljeni učiti drug od drugega. Izvedli smo raziskavo, h kateri so bila v prvem delu, od januarja do aprila 2022, povabljena vodstva vseh treh vrst ustanov, potekala pa je v obliki polstrukturiranega poglobljenega intervjuja. Teoretično smo raziskavo umestili v širši sociološki model javne sfere, ki omogoča razumevanje sprememb ali odpora do sprememb KAM kot javnega prostora, in ožje v teorijo organizacijskega učenja predvsem z vidika učenja med organizacijami na način absorbcijske sposobnosti ter sistemskega mišljenja, ter jo opremili s tipologijo stopenj sodelovanja na lestvici kolaboracijskega kontinuuma. Raziskave se je udeležilo 19 od 26 povabljenih oseb. V drugem delu smo izvedli študijo primera vsake od treh ustanov, Mestne knjižnice Ljubljana, Slovenskega šolskega muzeja in Zgodovinskega arhiva Ljubljana. Poudarek raziskave je bil na pregledu sodelovalnih praks med ustanovami v zadnjih petnajstih letih. Intervjuvanci imajo večinoma pozitivno mnenje o sodelovanju lastne ustanove z ostalima dvema disciplinama in izpostavljajo pozitivne učinke tovrstnih sodelovanj tudi v bodoče. Raziskava pokaže, da sodelovanja KAM potekajo na relativno površinski ravni in ostajajo na začetnih stopnjah sodelovalnega kontinuuma. Skozi pogovore in raziskavo se izpostavljajo določene sistemske in konkretne ovire ter še neizkoriščene priložnosti predvsem na področju formalnega in neformalnega organizacijskega učenja in predlogov sistemskih spodbud odločevalcev. Raziskava predstavlja začetni impulz v relativno novi raziskovalni temi, ki posledično odpira številna nova vprašanja vsaj na področju izobraževanja kadrov, digitalnih vsebin in obdelave gradiv, česar se v pričujoči raziskavi ne lotevamo. V našem okolju je možnost KAM sodelovanj še relativno neznana, niti ni naklonjenosti vladnih politik v obliki morebitnih spodbud, denimo za povezovalne projekte, ki bi iniciativam poglobljene dediščinske dejavnosti na nivoju skupne KAM omogočala pridobitev dodatnih sredstev ali nudila drugo ustrezno obliko podpore. S pričujočo disertacijo želimo nasloviti ugotovljeno vrzel med slovensko (sicer še v povojih) prakso in tujo teorijo in prakso KAM sodelovanj, pri čemer se nam kot torišče oz. presečna množica knjižnic, arhivov in muzejev kaže zlasti koncept kulturne dediščine kot ključni povezovalni element, ki tvori koncept t. i. dediščinskih institucij. Sicer pa gre za raziskovalno ambicijo, ki se giblje na področju več plasti znotraj vsake institucije in jo označuje multidisciplinarnost ne le med tremi KAM entitetami, temveč tudi širše, med različnimi vedami. Ne predlagamo izgube samostojnosti katerekoli od KAM ustanov v Sloveniji, nekatera strokovna področja so si samostojnost celo relativno nedavno priborila, v zakonodajnem in organizacijskem okviru, ki smo ga v Sloveniji izgradili, tak pristop ne bi obrodil pozitivnih rezultatov. Smiselni pa so razmisleki o drugih možnostih, ki se znotraj že omenjenega sodelovalnega kontinuuma še odpirajo, saj lahko ugotovimo, da sta soroden značaj KAM in vsem trem skupna presečna množica zbiranja, ohranjanja in posredovanja kulturne dediščine že sama po sebi privedla do marsikaterih spontanih povezav in sodelovanj.

Keywords:kulturna dediščina, sodelovanje, splošne knjižnice, arhivi, muzeji, organizacijsko učenje
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Zorko
Number of pages:329 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147838 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158822403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The potentials of collaboration between libraries, archives and museums as heritage institutions in preserving cultural heritage
Cultural heritage is seen as the shared intersection of heritage institutions, libraries, archives and museums (LAM). The theme of linking these institutions has long been a hot topic abroad, driven by various social changes, as well as by administrative and financial trends and cultural policy decisions. In the last ten years, discussions have become more continuous and focused, partly due to the establishment of some government mechanisms for financing and managing cultural heritage resources in the USA, Great Britain and Australia, which have significantly stimulated LAM cooperation. In Slovenia, we have no such inter-institutional connections, as each of the LAM institutions is restricted to its own separate frameworks, which is illustrated by a cursory review of the basic legislation governing each individual area. Nevertheless, a quick review of the ideas of development or the aspirations of individual LAM disciplines shows that all three reflect similar tendencies with which they respond to the perceived needs of society. Their awareness of the importance for the community comes to the forefront, as well as perhaps the fear that individual LAMs would not establish their role in society. Similar visions of development, as set by museologists, can also be found in the current theoretical principles of public libraries, which are increasingly focusing on the user and the well-being of the local community, which reflects the proactive library program in the local environment. Archives are also increasingly considering the user aspect of operating. Cultural heritage functions as one of the tools for solving the current social situation, and museums as fundamental heritage institutions (the same can be said for libraries and archives) are largely holding the role of social catalysts that shape society and democratize it. Despite increasingly similar goals, domestic LAM institutions remain completely confined to their own separate "silos", which are already being surpassed abroad under various influences and at different levels, and this in sufficiently diverse ranges that the need for a more weighty distinction between collaborative processes has arisen in theoretical discussions. With the help of the theoretical model of the cooperative continuum, a more precise distinction between many disparate aspects of cooperation (from contact, through cooperation, coordination, collaboration to convergence) is possible, since the term »cooperation« is often used in an overly vague and inconsistent way. In this dissertation, we provided an overview of selected foreign sources and identified two main models of LAM connections, which we called the Anglo-Saxon and the European concept, and highlighted their main characteristics. The intensive merging of LAM in the manner of inter-institutional fusion in those environments abroad, where such practices have been determined at the level of cultural policies, does not necessarily have exclusively positive effects, in fact it can even lead to the curtailment of one of the professional disciplines or the impoverishment of one of the individual components of their operation. It follows from these findings that it is necessary to preserve the independent cores of individual disciplines, but in certain individual segments of their operation and organization they can consensually connect with each other or even completely unify, either in order to reduce costs, optimize personnel resources or simply offer a better service. The beneficial effects of integration can be hidden in a layer of added value that works harmoniously with existing functions, such as integrated exhibition activity, integrated digital repository and integrated service points. However, the deeper organizational layers should ideally still retain the existing collection format and institutional integrity. In the following, we gave an overview of LAM collaborations in domestic professional literature and illuminated it from several various aspects that we perceived. We highlighted the aspect of collection management, the aspect of digitization and the general aspect, we shed light on the legislation, relevant to heritage institutions, and introduced a reflection on LAM institutions in the public sphere. We introduced the organizational learning model as a theoretical framework. Within such a theoretical framework, LAMs appear as potential partners within a wider network of heritage institutions. A such they can which can exchange knowledge and experience with the help of a high absorption capacity of similar fundamental heritage knowledge, however with different specializations of each individual discipline. They also achieve this with common systemic thinking and support in dynamic competence adaptation in regards to the changes in social circumstances that have a relatively similar effect on all partners in the network. When establishing the theoretical framework, we were primarily interested in the social and organizational aspect of LAM as a public space, but not the informational aspect. Although digital technologies in many ways facilitate access to participation, they also obscure a clear overview of how LAM institutions construct and create convergences within the physical heritage environment. We followed the recommendation that it is not the technological systems that create convergences, but rather the people who converge their thinking systems and consequently organizational values. In accordance with this assumption, within the framework of various case studies of relevant LAM entities and with the help of semi-structured in-depth interviews of competent LAM experts, we explored the potential possibilities of LAM cooperation in Slovenia. When formulating the research questions, we started from the assumption that LAMs recognize the benefit or even the necessity of greater mutual cooperation, especially in the field of cultural heritage, which in Slovenia would mean going beyond the existing frameworks as set by the legislation. Starting from the fundamental research problem, we formulated two key research questions, one corresponding to the cognitive-theoretical aspect of the dissertation, and the other to the applicative one: to analyze the current state of cooperation of LAM institutions in Slovenia in the field of cultural heritage according to the theoretically defined five-phase collaborative continuum, and to determine which are potentially the most suitable possibilities or forms of cooperation of LAM in Slovenia in the field of cultural heritage. We further defined the research work with discursive questions that support the first two questions by contributing specific, partial answers. To determine what are the potential benefits and potential disadvantages of the LAM cooperation in the field of cultural heritage in relation to the specificities of the Slovenian environment, how to take advantage of the diversity of potentials when the multidisciplinary knowledge of the experts of the LAM institutions meets in cooperation in the field of cultural heritage, where the managements of the selected institutions see the development possibilities of the converged LAM and to what extent libraries, archives and museums are willing to learn from each other. A survey was carried out, in which the management of all three types of institutions from January to April 2022 where invited to take part in the form of a semi-structured in-depth interview. Theoretically, the survey was situated within a broader sociological model of the public sphere that allows for understanding change or resistance to change in libraries, archives and museums as public spaces, and more narrowly within the theory of organisational learning, especially in terms of learning between organisations in the manner of absorptive capacity and systems thinking, and equipped with a typology of levels of collaboration on the scale of a collaborative continuum. Of the 26 invited, 19 persons took part in the survey. In the second phase, we conducted a case study of each of the three institutions, the Ljubljana City Library, the Slovenian School Museum and the Ljubljana Historical Archive. The focus of the research was on the review of collaborative practices between institutions over the past fifteen years. The interviewees were mostly positive about their own institution's collaboration with the other two disciplines and highlighted the positive effects of such collaborations in the future. The survey showed that cooperation between libraries, archives and museums is relatively superficial and remains at the early stages of the cooperation continuum. Through the interviews and research, certain systemic and concrete barriers and untapped opportunities were highlighted, especially in the field of formal and informal organizational learning and proposals for systemic incentives for decision-makers. The survey represents an initial impulse into a relatively new research topic, which consequently raises a number of new questions, at least in the field of staff training, digital content and materials processing, which are not addressed in the present study. The possibility of collaboration between libraries, archives and museums is still relatively unknown in Slovenia, and there is no government policy support in the form of possible incentives for e.g. networking projects, which would enable initiatives for in-depth heritage activities at the level of shared libraries, archives and museums to obtain additional funding or offer other appropriate forms of support. With this dissertation, we want to address the identified gap between domestic (albeit still in its infancy) practice and foreign theory and practice of LAM collaborations. The cross-sectional multitude of libraries, archives and museums shows, in particular, the concept of cultural heritage as a key unifying element that forms the concept of the so-called heritage institutions. Otherwise, it is a research ambition that moves through several layers within each institution and is characterized by multidisciplinarity - not only between the three LAM entities, but also more broadly, between different sciences. In Slovenian cultural space, we do not propose the loss of independence of any of the LAM institutions, as some professional areas have even gained independence relatively recently. In the legislative and organizational framework that we have built in Slovenia, such an approach would not yield positive results. However, it makes sense to reflect on other possibilities that are still open within the aforementioned collaborative continuum, as we can conclude that the related character of LAM and the cross-sectional set of collection, preservation and transmission of cultural heritage, common to all three, has in itself led to many spontaneous connections and collaborations.

Keywords:cultural heritage, cooperation, general libraries, archives, museums, organisational learning

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