
Modularni analogni sintetizator zvoka
ID KOROŠEC, JAKA (Author), ID Bürmen, Arpad (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo opisuje delovanje šestih modulov v sistemu modularnega sintetizatorja zvoka. Na začetku na kratko predstavim, kaj modularna sinteza zvoka je, nato pa vsakega izmed modulov natančno opišem ter razložim njegovo delovanje. Razlaga je povsod podkrepljena s teorijo in enačbami. Za napetostno krmiljen oscilator razložim, kako zagotovimo primerno razmerje med krmilno napetostjo in frekvenco signalov. Sledi opis tehnike za generiranje različnih signalnih oblik. Pri generatorju ADSR ovojnice se osredotočam na potek beleženja stanj in prehajanja med njimi. Razložim tudi, na kakšen način trajanje stanj krmilimo z napetostjo ter izračunam najdaljše in najkrajše čase stanj, ki jih lahko nastavimo. Sledi opis delovanja sekvenčnika. Analiziram delovanje notranje ure sekvenčnika in razložim različne načine premikanja po korakih zaporedja ter njihovo izvedbo. Na koncu opišem še del vezja, ki skrbi za generiranje analognih signalov na izhodu sekvenčnika. Predstavitev nizkofrekvenčnega oscilatorja se osredotoča na izvedbo krmiljenja in razlik v primerjavi z napetostno krmiljenim oscilatorjem. V nadaljevanju razložim tudi tehniko za generiranje različnih signalnih oblik na izhodu. Za vezje napetostno krmiljenega ojačevalnika opišem linearni in eksponentni odziv ojačenja od krmilne napetosti in izpeljem enačbo za izhodni tok v odvisnosti od krmilne napetosti. Pri napetostno krmiljenem situ razložim teorijo sit s spremenljivimi stanji in predstavim osnovne gradnike takih sit. Nato predstavim delovanje vezja in pokažem, kateri del vezja ustreza kateremu osnovnemu gradniku.

Keywords:modularni analogni sintetizator zvoka, oscilator, ADSR ovojnica, sekvenčnik, ojačevalnik, sito
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147778 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158631683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Modular analog synthesizer
The master's thesis describes the operation of six modules of a modular sound synthesizer. The thesis begins with an introduction to modular sound synthesis, followed by a detailed description and explanation of the operation of each module. The explanation is supported by theory and equations throughout. For the voltage-controlled oscillator, the approach to achieveing the appropriate ratio between the control voltage and the frequency of the signals is presented. This is followed by a description of the technique for generating various waveform shapes. The main focus of the ADSR envelope generator, is on the technique for recording states and transitions between them. The voltage control of the duration of states is explained and the longest and shortest state times are computed. Next, the operation of the sequencer is described. An analysis of the internal clock's operation is presented and various methods of step sequencing and their implementation are discussed. Finally, a section of the circuit responsible for generating analog signals at the sequencer's output is described. The presentation of the low-frequency oscillator focuses on the implementation of the driving circuit and how it differs from the voltage-controlled oscillator. The technique for generating various waveform shapes at the modules output is also explained. For the voltage-controlled amplifier circuit, the linear and exponential amplification response based on the control voltage is explained and the dependance for the output current on the control voltage is derived. For the voltage-controlled filter, the theory of state variable filters is presented and the basic building blocks of such filters are introduced. Then, the operation of the circuit is analyzed and which parts of the circuit corresponding to each basic building block are described.

Keywords:modular analog synthesizer, oscillator, ADSR envelope, sequencer, filter

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