
Analiza genetske strukture primorske kozje češnje (Rhamnus intermedius Steud. & Hochst.) v Sloveniji
ID Lišter, Monika (Author), ID Jarni, Kristjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Primorska kozja češnja (Rhamnus intermedius Steud. & Hochst.) je pred kratkim postala nova predstavnica slovenske flore. Na zaraščajočem travniku Kraškega roba je bil opažen en sam grm, sestavljen iz več morfološko različnih poganjkov. Prvič je bila izvedena izolacija DNA iz slovenske populacije primorske kozje češnje. Poleg tega je bilo na tej vrsti prvič preizkušano delovanje mikrosatelitskih markerjev, ki so bili že prej uporabljeni na drugih sorodnih vrstah iz rodu Rhamnus. V raziskavo sta bili vključeni slovenska in hrvaška populacija, kot referenčni vrsti pa sta služili razkrečena (R. saxatilis) in kranjska kozja češnja (R. fallax). Analiza sedmih mikrosatelitskih lokusov je v slovenskem grmu primorske kozje češnje določila šest različnih genotipov. Populacija je, v nasprotju s hrvaško, ki povprečno izkazuje pomanjkanje heterozigotov (F = 0,281), precej variabilna (F = -0,204). V vzorcu hrvaške populacije je bil na treh lokusih potrjen odmik od Hardy-Weinbergovega ravnovesja. Med populacijama se kaže zmerna genetska diferenciacija (FST = 0,088). Primerjava genetske slike treh vrst kozje češnje je bila izvedena z analizo glavnih koordinat. Iz analize je razvidno, da opazovani grm pripada vrsti Rhamnus intermedius. Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo, da ima populacija možnosti za medsebojno opraševanje in razmnoževanje s semenom.

Keywords:mikrosatelitski markerji, genetska pestrost, populacija, primorska kozja češnja, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Lišter]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147696 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158979331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of genetic structure of Rhamnus intermedius Steud. & Hochst. in Slovenia
Rhamnus intermedius Steud. & Hochst. has recently become a new representative of the Slovenian flora. On the meadow along the Karst edge a single bush was observed, composed of morphologically different shoots (Jarni, 2014). DNA isolation on this species in Slovenia was carried out for the first time. Moreover, microsatellite markers previously used on other Rhamnus species were examined for the first time on Rhamnus intermedius. The study included Slovenian and Croatian populations. Samples of R. saxatilis and R. fallax served as reference species. A genomic analysis of seven loci revealed six genetically distinctive individuals in the Slovenian bush. In comparison to the Croation population, which on average exhibited low heterozigocity (F = 0.281), the Slovenian population showed considerable variability (F = -0.204). A deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was identified in three loci of the Croatian population sample. Between those two populations, moderate differentiation was observed (FST = 0.088). A comparison of the genetic profiles of the three Rhamnus species was performed using principal coordinate analysis. The analysis confirms that the observed bush belongs to the species Rhamnus intermedius. The results of the study indicate that the Slovenian population has the potential for pollination and reproduction through seeds.

Keywords:microsatellite markers, genetic diversity, population, Rhamnus intermedius, Slovenia

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