
Lastovka se vrača - Revitalizacija območja nekdanje Tovarne nogavic Polzela na Polzeli
ID Suša Vačovnik, Klara (Author), ID Planišček, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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S hitrim spremembami in napredkom v sodobnem svetu se spreminjajo tudi potrebe v prostoru. Zaradi zamiranja posameznih panog in selitve proizvodnje v države z nižjimi obratovalnimi stroški smo priča številnim opuščenim industrijskim območjem. Za njimi pa ne stoji le zanimivo zemljišče, ampak tudi zgodovinsko pomembna dediščina. Nekdanja Tovarna nogavic Polzela, ki je bila znana po kvalitetnih ženskih hlačnih nogavicah, je svoj sloves potrjevala skoraj 90 let, potem pa je zaradi tehnološkega zaostanka in velike konkurence na trgu prenehala obratovati. Majhen kraj in velika tovarna sta se razvijala z roko v roki, zato je bil stečaj močan udarec za prebivalce kraja. Kot uspešen pristop preživetja industrijske dediščine se je v podobnih primerih izkazala že uvedba novih programov na zapuščenih območjih, zato naloga predstavlja poskus združitve ponovne prilagodljive uporabe industrijskega območja z lokalnimi znanji, ki izhajajo iz zgodovine in tradicije. Idejna zasnova revitalizacije temelji na valorizaciji, ohranjanju in ponovni rabi industrijske dediščine. Program se osredotoča na tekstil, na problematiko tekstilne industrije in na z njo povezano prekomerno potrošnjo. Kot rešitev se uvaja krožno gospodarstvo, ki predvideva trajnostni vidik uporabe. Naloga vzpostavi na območju novo tekstilno središče, ki združuje razvojno raziskovalni tekstilni inštitut s proizvodnimi obrati, vključno z zbirnim centrom, sortirnico in reciklarno odpadnih tekstilij ter muzejem in srednjo tekstilno šolo. Prostore inštituta predstavlja nov objekt, medtem ko ostali programi izkoristijo obstoječe, ki se jih z manjšimi posegi ustrezno prilagodi. Koncept urbanistične ureditve kot celote poveže nove programe in se naveže na okolico ter tako ustvari urejen prostor, ki vzpodbuja družabno interakcijo in ustvarjalnost.

Keywords:arhitektura, industrija, dediščina, prenova, tekstil, recikliranje, trajnostnost, razvojno-raziskovalni inštitut, Tovarna nogavic Polzela
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147684 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158631427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The swollow returns - Revitalization of the area of the former socks manufacturing company Tovarna nogavic Polzela in Polzela
With the rapid changes and progress of the modern world, the needs in space are changing as well. We are seeing many abandoned industrial areas as a result of the decline of individual industries and the relocation of production to countries with lower operating costs. They are not only an interesting piece of land, but they also have a historically significant heritage. Tovarna nogavic Polzela, a former socks manufacturing company known for its high-quality women’s pantyhose, maintained its reputation for nearly 90 years before ceasing operations due to a technological gap and intense competition on the market. Because the small town and the large factory developed in tandem, bankruptcy was a devastating blow to the local population. The introduction of new programmes in abandoned areas has already been implemented in similar cases as a successful approach to the preservation of industrial heritage. Thus, the thesis represents an attempt to combine industrial adaptive reuse with local knowledge derived from history and tradition. The conceptual design of revitalisation is based on the valorisation, preservation, and reuse of industrial heritage. The programme focuses on textiles, textile industry issues, and excessive consumption associated with them. As a solution, a circular economy with a focus on sustainability is being implemented. The thesis establishes a new textile centre in the area, combining a development and research textile institute with production facilities such as a collection centre, sorting centre, and textile waste recycling plant, as well as a museum and a textile school. The institute’s premises represent a new building, whereas other programmes utilise existing structures that have been appropriately adapted with minor interventions. The concept of urban planning as a whole connects new programmes and connects them to their surroundings, resulting in a well-arranged space that promotes social interaction and creativity.

Keywords:architecture, industry, heritage, renovation, textile, recycling, sustainability, research and development institute, former socks manufacturing company Tovarna nogavic Polzela

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