
Histopatološke spremembe temporalnih arterij v povezavi s spremenjenim izražanjem mikro RNA, klinično sliko in ultrazvočno preiskavo pri gigantoceličnem arteritisu
ID Suljič, Alen (Author), ID Jurčić, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hočevar, Alojzija (Comentor)

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Uvod: Poglavitni namen doktorskega dela je bil pridobiti dodaten vpogled v patogenetske mehanizme gigantoceličnega arteritisa (GCA) in povezati le-te z ultrazvočno preiskavo arterij (danes preiskavo izbora v diagnostiki gigantoceličnega vaskulitisa). V raziskavah, opravljenih v okviru doktorskega dela, smo preverili izražanje mikro RNA (miRNA) v temporalnih arterijah (TA) bolnikov in njihove genske tarče. Fenotipizirali in kvantitativno smo ocenili imunske celice, ki sestavljajo vnetni infiltrat v biopsijah temporalnih arterij (TAB) bolnikov z GCA, ter pridobljene histopatološke podatke povezali z izražanjem miRNA. Poleg tega smo ocenili medsebojno povezanost med izsledki ultrazvočne (UZ) preiskave TA in histopatološkimi podatki ter izražanjem izbranih miRNA na drugi strani. Metode: V prvem delu doktorskega dela smo z analizo izražanja miRNA pri bolnikih z GCA ocenili izražanje 28 miRNA v vzorcih TAB 30 bolnikov s histološko potrjeno boleznijo in izsledke primerjali z izražanjem miRNA v vzorcih TAB 16 bolnikov, ki niso imeli histološko potrjene bolezni, ter vzorcih TAB 22 oseb brez GCA. V drugem delu raziskave smo kvantitativno ocenili histološke spremembe v temporalnih arterijah bolnikov z GCA s histopatološkimi in imunohistokemičnimi tehnikami. V tretjem delu raziskave smo preverili, kako so najdbe UZ pregleda TA povezane s histolopatološkimi spremembami TA in z izražanjem miRNA. Rezultati: Z raziskavo izražanja miRNA smo ugotovili aberantno (več kot dvakratno) povišano ali znižano izražanje 28 miRNA. Aberantno izražene miRNA so vpete v patogenetske mehanizme, ki sodelujejo pri preoblikovanju arterij in uravnavanju odziva imunskega sistema. V raziskavi povezanosti histopatoloških lastnosti infiltrata in izražanjem miRNA smo ugotovili, da je vnetnocelični infiltrat sestavljen pretežno iz CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ limfocitov T, CD68+ makrofagov, ki jih je spremljalo povečano izražanje citoplazemskega jedrnega faktorja aktiviranih T celic 1 (NFATC). Pokazali smo, da bi spremenjeno izražanje izbranih miRNA lahko bilo povezano z infiltracijo žilne stene z limfociti in makrofagi ter aktivacijo limfocitov T. V raziskavi povezanosti histopatoloških, epigenetskih, kliničnih in slikovnih podatkov smo ugotovili močno povezanost prisotnosti halo znaka in debeline kompleksa intime-medije z intenzivnostjo vnetnega infiltrata, spremenjenim profilom izražanja miRNA in prisotnostjo klinične spremembe TA ter bolečine v žvečnih mišicah. Zaključki: Opredelitev profilov izražanja miRNA v steni temporalnih arterij bolnikov z GCA, ki potencialno sodelujejo pri uravnavanju vnetne infiltracije, imunskega odziva in fenotipa gladkih mišičnih celic, omogoča dodaten vpogled v zapleteno patogenezo GCA. Pokazali smo, da bi spremenjeno izražanje izbranih miRNA lahko bilo povezano z infiltracijo žilne stene z limfociti in makrofagi ter aktivacijo limfocitov T, ki so povečano izražali NFATC v TAB bolnikov z GCA. Naša raziskava omogoča vpogled v medsebojno povezanost parametrov UZ preiskave z ugotovljenimi histopatološkimi, epigenetskimi, kliničnimi in laboratorijskimi lastnostmi žilnih lezij pri bolnikih z GCA.

Keywords:gigantocelični arteritis, ultrazvok, halo znak, preoblikovanje arterijske stene, biopsija temporalne arterije, mikro RNA, vnetje, imunopatologija, diagnoza, vaskulitis
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147610 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2023
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Title:​Histopathological changes of temporal arteries in relation to the altered expression of microRNA, clinical manifestations and ultrasound examination in the giant cell arteritis
Introduction: The main aim of this PhD thesis was to gain further insight into the pathogenetic mechanisms of giant cell arteritis (GCA) and to relate these to arterial ultrasound (nowadays the test of choice in the diagnosis of giant cell vasculitis). In the studies carried out as part of this PhD, we examined the expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) in temporal arteries (TA) of patients and their target genes. We phenotyped and quantified immune cells constituting the inflammatory infiltrate in temporal artery biopsies (TAB) from GCA patients and correlated the histopathological data obtained with miRNA expression. In addition, we evaluated the correlation between TA ultrasound (US) findings and, histopathological data and the expression of selected miRNAs on the other hand. Methods: In the first part of the study, we evaluated the expression of 28 miRNAs in TAB specimens from 30 patients with histologically confirmed disease and compared the results with the expression of miRNAs in TAB specimens from 16 patients without histologically confirmed disease and 22 subjects without GCA. In the second part of the study, we quantitatively assessed histological changes in temporal arteries of patients with GCA using histopathological and immunohistochemical techniques. In the third part of the study, we examined how findings on US examination of the TA correlated with histopathological changes of the TA and with miRNA expression. Results: The miRNA expression study revealed aberrant (more than twofold) elevated or decreased expression of 28 miRNAs. Aberrantly expressed miRNAs are involved in pathogenetic mechanisms involved in arterial remodelling and regulation of the immune response. In a study of the association between histopathological characteristics of the infiltrate and miRNA expression, we found that the inflammatory cell infiltrate consisted predominantly of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ T lymphocytes, CD68+ macrophages, accompanied by increased expression of cytoplasmic nuclear factor of activated T cells 1 (NFATC). We showed that altered expression of selected miRNAs could be associated with infiltration of the vascular wall by lymphocytes and macrophages and activation of T lymphocytes. In a study of the association of histopathological, epigenetic, clinical and imaging data, we found a strong correlation between the presence of halo sign and the thickness of the intima-media complex with the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, the altered miRNA expression profile, the change in clinical appearance of TA and pain in the masticatory muscles. Conclusions: Identification of miRNA expression profiles in the temporal artery wall of GCA patients, potentially involved in the regulation of inflammatory infiltration, immune response and smooth muscle cell phenotype, provides new insights into the complex pathogenesis of GCA. We showed that altered expression of selected miRNAs could be associated with infiltration of the vascular wall by lymphocytes and macrophages and activation of T lymphocytes, which upregulated NFATC expression in the TAB of GCA patients. Our study provides insight into the correlation of ultrasound examination parameters with the histopathological, epigenetic, clinical and laboratory features of vascular lesions found in GCA patients.

Keywords:giant cell arteritis, ultrasonography, halo sign, arterial remodeling, temporal artery biopsy, microRNA, inflammation, immunopathology, diagnosis, vasculitis

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