
Konceptna ilustracija za video igro Blood
ID Ryzhova, Elizaveta (Author), ID Nabernik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi se bom ukvarjala s postopkom izdelave konceptne ilustracije. Raziskovala bom njeno zgodovino, kakšno vlogo ima in na katerih področjih je uporabna. V praktičnem delu bom problematizirala, kako vizualno razumljivo in enostavno razlagati kompleksne informacije ter kako jih pripraviti za nadaljnje razvijanje drugih ustvarjalcev. Ukvarjala se bom z razvojem različnih karakterjev, okolja, opreme in ostalih predmetov, ki so bili predstavljeni v originalni izdaji igre Blood (1997). Preučevala bom metode in strukturo iger ter izvedla primerjalno analizo vizualnega razvoja sočasnih iger v podobnem žanru. Pri snovanju nove podobe bom pozorna na igralce nove generacije in tiste z občutkom nostalgije. Igri Blood želim vdihniti novo življenje za sodobno generacijo potrošnikov. Zanimalo me bo koliko je preoblikovana podoba lahko podobna izvirniku, koliko je pri tem treba slediti trendom in tehnologijam ter ali lahko z novo podobo igri vdihnem novo življenje za sodobni čas. Igro bom s pomočjo avtorskih ilustracij preoblikovala v sodobno podobo. Končni izdelek bo predstavljen v ilustrirani publikaciji.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, ilustracija, konceptna ilustracija, digitalna ilustracija, videoigre, preoblikovanje, žanr grozljivka, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147608 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Concept art illustration for the video game Blood
In my diploma thesis I will deal with the process of making a conceptual illustration, research its history, what role it has and in what areas it is useful. In the practical part I am going to problematize how to visually understand and easily interpret complex information and how to prepare it for further development of other creators. I will be involved in the development of various characters, environments, equipment and other items that were presented in the original edition of Blood (1997). I will study the methods and structure of games, perform a comparative analysis of the visual development of simultaneous games in a similar genre. When designing a new image, I will pay attention to the players of the new generation and those with a sense of nostalgia. I am interested in giving a new life for the Blood game for the modern generation of consumers. I am going to research how much the transformed image can be similar to the original and how much it is necessary to follow trends and technologies, and whether I can breathe new life into the game with a new image. With the help of the author's illustrations, I am going to transform the game into a modern image. The final product will be presented in an illustrated publication.

Keywords:visual communications, illustration, concept art, digital illustration, videogames, redesign, horror, BA thesis

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