We present the results of our study that examined the use of different methods of personnel
selection in Slovenia and investigated the structure of conducted selection interviews. Data
from 1180 organizations of various sizes and from various industry sectors was analyzed. We
found out that the frequency of different selection methods use in Slovenia is similar to that
in foreign countries. Regardless of company size, sector, and HR assistance in the selection
process, employers most commonly rely on interviews and resumes, large companies often
use application forms as well. Compared to smaller organizations, larger ones use practical
and psychological tests more often. As for differences between sectors, the public sector
stands out the most, as it relies less on personal connections and probationary periods during
the hiring process, but places more emphasis on checking candidates' criminal backgrounds.
We found that in selection interviews, employers most commonly inquire about candidates'
past experiences and job-related knowledge. Overall, interviewers usually prepare questions
in advance, although they are not always based on job analysis. The research presents a good
basis for further exploration of selection methods use in Slovenia. Employers can gain insights
into the current situation and adjust their procedures if needed, while job seekers can
anticipate the types of tests they may encounter on their path to a new job and prepare