
Tarče cistatina F v človeški mikrogliji
ID Rus, Žana (Author), ID Kos, Janko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Perišić Nanut, Milica (Comentor)

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Mikroglija je makrofagom podoben del centralno živčnega sistema, odgovoren za imunski odziv. Aktivirana mikroglija sprošča vnetne citokine in lizosomske peptidaze, med katere spadajo cisteinske peptidaze. Neustrezno aktivirana in regulirana mikroglija lahko povzroči poškodbe nevronov ali pa razvoj nevrodegenerativnih bolezni. Endogeni inhibitor cisteinskih peptidaz je cistatin F, ki spada med cistatine tipa 2 in se specifično izraža v celicah imunskega sistema. Cistatin F se sintetizira kot neaktiven dimer, ki za svojo aktivacijo zahteva proteolitično cepitev in monomerizacijo. Namen magistrske naloge je bil določiti znotrajcelično lokalizacijo cistatina F in njegovih tarč v človeški mikrogliji, kar smo izvedli z imunocitokemijo. Za prikaz vpliva cistatina F na njegove tarče smo uporabili prenos western in merjenje aktivnosti cisteinskih katepsinov ter legumaina. Pokazali smo prisotnost legumaina v lizosomih in močno kolokalizacijo cistatina F z legumainom in katepsinom L, medtem ko je bila kolokalizacija s katepsinom C šibkejša. Dokazali smo tudi, da kolokalizirata legumain in katepsin L. Privzeti divji tip cistatina F v človeški mikrogliji je zmanjšal pretvorbo enoverižne oblike katepsina L v dvoverižno in posledično aktivacijo katepsina C ter legumaina iz prekurzorskih oblik. Pri katepsinu C in L ter legumainu je značilno zmanjšal tudi encimsko aktivnost. Rezultati poskusa s cistatinom F z mutacijo v vezavnem mestu za legumain so pokazali, da ne vpliva na aktivacijo katepsina C in legumaina, zmanjša pa procesiranje enoverižne oblike katepsina L v dvoverižno. Pri merjenju aktivnosti katepsina C in L nismo dobili značilnega zmanjšanja pri dodatku mutiranega cistatina F, vendar je to lahko posledica prevelikih varianc. Naši podatki kažejo, da se tarče cistatina F v človeški mikrogliji razlikujejo od tarč v citotoksičnih imunskih celicah, saj sta tu glavni tarči katepsin L in legumain, manj pa tudi katepsin C, kar ima vpliv na fagocitno sposobnost mikroglije.

Keywords:cistatin F, cisteinski katepsini, legumain, človeška mikroglija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2023
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Title:Cystatin F targets in human microglia
Microglia are macrophage-like cells resident within the central nervous system, responsible for the immune response. Activated microglia secrete inflammatory cytokines and lysosomal peptidases, including cysteine peptidases. Overactivation and dysregulation of microglia might result in neuron damage and the development of neurodegenerative diseases. An endogenous inhibitor of cysteine proteases is cystatin F, which belongs to the type 2 cystatins and is expressed mainly in immune cells. Cystatin F is synthesized as an inactive dimer that requires proteolytic cleavage and monomerization for its activation. Our study aimed to determine cystatin F’s intracellular localization and its inhibitory targets in human microglia using immunocytochemistry. Western blot and measurements of the activity of the cysteine cathepsins and legumain were used to define cystatin F’s role on its targets. We confirmed the presence of legumain in the lysosomes and a strong colocalization of cystatin F with legumain and cathepsin L, while the colocalization with cathepsin C was weaker. Additionally, we also proved colocalization of legumain and cathepsin L. Internalized wild-type cystatin F reduced the processing of the single-chain form of cathepsin L to the two-chain form and activation of cathepsin C and legumain from precursor forms. The addition of cystatin F significantly reduced the activity of cathepsins C, L and legumain. Cystatin F with a mutated binding site for legumain showed no effect on the processing of cathepsin C and legumain, while a decrease in the processing of the single-chain form of cathepsin L to the two-chain was detected. Mutated cystatin F did not affect the activity of cathepsins C and L, however, this could be a consequence of too big differences in variances. Our results show that, unlike cytotoxic lymphocytes, the main targets for cystatin F in human microglia are cathepsin L and legumain and also cathepsin C. That can have an impact on the phagocytic activity of microglia.

Keywords:cystatin F, cysteine cathepsins, legumain, human microglia.

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