
Upravljanje informacijsko komunikacijske infrastrukture z orodji za avtomatizacijo in uporabo nerelacijske podatkovne baze
ID Smrkolj, Urh (Author), ID Kos, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Informacijsko komunikacijska omrežja že nekaj časa rastejo in postajajo vse pomembnejša. Uporabljamo jih vsi in posegajo v vse pore sodobne družbe. S pomembnostjo in razvojem informacijsko komunikacijskih omrežij raste tudi odgovornost, ki je na strani tistih, kateri upravljajo z omrežji. Omrežja je potrebno dograjevati, jih nadzirati in učinkovito upravljati, da lahko uporabnikom zagotovijo kvalitetno in varno uporabniško izkušnjo. Zadnja leta opažamo pospešen razvoj orodij, ki lajšajo delo omrežnim inženirjem in zmanjšujejo vpliv človeškega faktorja. V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo načine avtomatizacije upravljanja in nadziranja omrežnih naprav. V nalogi so opisani različni omrežni protokoli in orodja za avtomatizacijo kot so NETCONF, RESTCONF, gRPC, Ansible, Chef in ostali. Poudarek je na načinu avtomatizacije z uporabo lastnih skript, napisanih v programskem jeziku Python in uporabi knjižnic Netmiko in NAPALM. Avtomatizacija v kontekstu IKT-omrežij predstavlja nadomestek človeške interakcije z omrežnimi napravami. Z avtomatizacijo se med sistemi izmenjujejo podatki, ki jih je potrebno obdelati, jih shraniti in jih interpretirati, da nam lahko podajo potrebne informacije. Zato sem v nalogi obravnaval možnosti hranjenja podatkov v relacijskih in nerelacijskih podatkovnih bazah in kritično vrednotil primernost obeh načinov pri avtomatizaciji. Poleg tega sem podrobno predstavil eno izmed orodij za učinkovito razčlenjevanje podatkov, to je Python knjižnica TextFSM. V nalogi je predstavljen primer, kako lahko več členov in orodij, ki skrbijo za različne funkcionalnosti, ki nam lajšajo delo z omrežij, združimo v celoto in jih povežemo v uporabnikom prijazno platformo. V primeru platforme gSmart, ki je opisana v magistrski nalogi, so za avtomatizacijo uporabljene lastne Python skripte, podatki se hranijo v graf bazi, upravljanje platforme pa je dogodkovno vodeno.

Keywords:avtomatizacija, informacijsko komunikacijska omrežja, Python, platforma za avtomatizacijo, nerealcijske podatkovne baze, dogodkovno vodenje, graf
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147493 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158087939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Management of information and communication infrastructure with automation tools and usage of non-relational database
Information and communication networks have been growing for some time now and are becoming increasingly important. We all use them, and they permeate every aspect of modern society. With the significance and development of information and communication networks, the responsibility of those who manage the networks also grows. Networks need to be expanded, monitored, and efficiently managed in order to provide users with a quality and secure user experience. In recent years, there has been accelerated development of tools that facilitate the work of network engineers and reduce the impact of the human factor. In my master's thesis, I address methods of automating the management and monitoring of network devices. The thesis describes various network protocols and automation tools such as NETCONF, RESTCONF, gRPC, Ansible, Chef, and others. The emphasis is on automation using custom scripts written in the Python programming language and the use of libraries such as Netmiko and NAPALM. Automation in the context of ICT networks represents a replacement for human interaction with network devices. Through automation, data is exchanged between systems, which needs to be processed, stored, and interpreted in order to provide us with the necessary information. Therefore, I explored the options for storing data in relational and non-relational databases and critically evaluated the suitability of both approaches for automation. Additionally, I provided a detailed presentation of one of the tools for effective data parsing, namely the Python library TextFSM. The thesis presents an example of how multiple components and tools that handle various functionalities, making our work with networks easier, can be integrated into a whole and connected to a user-friendly platform. In the case of the gSmart platform described in the master's thesis, custom Python scripts are used for automation, data is stored in a graph database, and the management of the platform is event-driven.

Keywords:automation, information communication networks, Python, automation platform, non-relational databases, event-driven programming, graph

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