
Povezanost blagostanja, motivacije in informiranosti pri brezposelnih osebah : magistrsko delo
ID Češčut, Katrin (Author), ID Boštjančič, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Leta 2023 je raven brezposelnosti v konstantnem upadu, kar pa ne pomeni, da osebe, ki so brezposelne, nimajo težav. Glede na pomanjkanje literature o celovitejšem razumevanju doživljanja brezposelnih oseb je namen magistrske naloge preučiti blagostanje, motivacijo in informiranost pri brezposelnih osebah. Zanimalo me je, ali imajo brezposelne osebe z višje izraženo notranjo motivacijo tudi višje blagostanje, kako se motivacija in blagostanje povezujeta ter kakšne so razlike glede na število prijav na Zavod RS za zaposlovanje. Analizirala sem, ali so notranje motivirane osebe bolj informirane od zunanje motiviranih brezposelnih oseb ter kakšna je informiranost brezposelnih oseb glede na njihovo motivacijo, starost, izobrazbo, trajanje brezposelnosti in število prijav na Zavodu RS za zaposlovanje. Kot zadnje sem želela raziskati, kako se dolgotrajno brezposelne osebe razlikujejo od drugih v vseh treh konstruktih. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 121 brezposelnih oseb, ki so v celoti izpolnile Vprašalnik duševnega zdravja – kratka oblika, Lestvico delovnih preferenc, test informiranosti in odgovorile na nekaj demografskih vprašanj. Lestvico delovnih preferenc sem po opravljeni analizi prilagodila, tako da sta bili njeni podlestvici v nadaljevanju zunanja motivacija in izzvanost. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo osebe z višje izraženo izzvanostjo višje blagostanje od zunanje motiviranih oseb, v informiranosti pa se ne razlikujejo. Glavne ugotovitve so še, da sta se blagostanje in njegova poddimenzija psihološko blagostanje negativno nizko do zmerno povezovala z zunanjo motivacijo, psihološko blagostanje pa se je nizko do zmerno pozitivno povezovalo z izzvanostjo. Višje izobražene osebe so poročale o višji informiranosti kot nižje izobražene osebe. Dobljene rezultate lahko uporabimo pri nadaljnjem načrtovanju in oblikovanju programov za brezposelne osebe.

Keywords:brezposelnost, blagostanje, motivacija, informacije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Češčut]
Number of pages:42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147482 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158122755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The connection between well being, motivation and being informed among unemployed people
In 2023, unemployment levels are on a steady decline, which does not mean that those who are unemployed are not facing any obstacles. Given the lack of literature of a more comprehensive understanding of the experiences of the unemployed, the aim of this master thesis is to examine well-being, motivation and being informed in unemployed persons. I was interested in whether unemployed people with higher intrinsic motivation have higher well-being, how are motivation and well-being related, and what are the differences according to the number of times they have been registered at the employment agency. I analysed whether intrinsically motivated people are more informed than those who are extrinsically motivated and how the unemployed are informed according to their motivation, age, education, duration of unemployment and number of registrations at the employment agency. Lastly, I wanted to explore how the long-term unemployed differ from others in all three constructs. The 121 unemployed people who participated in the study completed the Mental Health Continuum - Short Form, the Work Preference Inventory, an information test and answered a few demographic questions. After the analysis, I adapted the Work Preference Inventory so that its subscales were from this point on extrinsic motivation and being positively challenged. The results showed that people who are more positively challenged have higher well-being than externally motivated individuals, but there is no difference in how informed they are. Additional main findings were that well-being and its subdimension psychological well-being were slightly to moderately negatively associated with extrinsic motivation, and psychological well-being was moderately positively associated with being positively challenged. More highly educated participants reported higher levels of information than those with lower levels of education. The results can be used for further planning and design of programmes for the unemployed.

Keywords:unemployment, well being, motivation, information

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