
Visoko hitrostna fotografija
ID SUSIČ, PETER (Author), ID Meža, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo vključuje spoznavanje visoko hitrostne fotografije, kaj to je in kaj želimo z njo doseči. Podrobneje je predstavljena vsa potrebna oprema, ki nam bo omogočila oziroma vsaj olajšala nastanek visoko hitrostnih fotografij. Delo zajema tri različne motive visoko hitrostnih fotografij: pljusk rezine sadeža, eksplozijo vodnega balona in odsev v kapljici vode. Pri vsakem motivu je opisan proces, kako ga fotografirati; torej, katero opremo in katere nastavitve opreme potrebujemo, kako in kam postaviti studio (če nimamo možnosti fotografiranja v svetlobno kontroliranem prostoru) ter na kaj moramo biti pozorni med samim fotografiranjem. Torej da si že vnaprej predstavljamo, kako naj bi končni izdelek izgledal, ali je zanj potrebno združiti več fotografij v eno ter v kakšnem vrstnem redu zajeti fotografije, v kolikor jih potrebujemo več (če fotografiramo pljusk vode v kozarcu, si na končni fotografiji želimo čist kozarec, zato, še preden začnemo s pljuski, najprej fotografiramo čist kozarec s čisto podlago). Predstavljene so tudi nekatere pogoste težave pri nastajanju visoko hitrostnih fotografij, kot je iskanje pozicije bliskavice, da bo ta lepo osvetlila fotografiran objekt in ozadje, iskanje pravega trenutka za proženje fotoaparata in prilagajanje zamiku proženja ter iskanja novih rešitev po spodletelem poskusu. Za konec je pri vsakem motivu podrobneje obrazloženo, kako s pomočjo naprednih programskih orodij za obdelavo fotografij le-te tudi obdelati (združevanje več fotografij v eno, barvna korekcija).

Keywords:visoko hitrostna fotografija, fotografija, studio, voda, nastavitve fotoaparata, urejanje fotografij
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147354 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158014979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:High speed photography
The thesis includes learning about "high-speed" photography, what it is, and what we want to achieve with it. We look closer at all the necessary equipment, which will enable or at least ease the process of creating "high-speed" photos. The thesis includes three different motifs of "high-speed" photographs: a splash of a slice of fruit, an explosion of a water balloon, and a reflection in a water droplet. For each motif, the process of how to make a photograph is described; that is, which equipment and which equipment settings we need, how and where to set up the studio (if we do not have the option of taking photos in a light-controlled room), and what we must pay attention to during the photography itself. We must imagine in advance how the final product should look like, whether it is necessary to combine several photos into one, and in what order to capture the photos if we need to capture more (if we take a photo of a splash of water in a glass, we want a clean glass in the final photo, so before we start splashing, we first take a photo of a clean glass with a clean surface). We will also learn about some common problems when creating "high-speed" photos, such as finding the good position of the speedlight so that it will illuminate the photographed object and the background, finding the right moment to trigger the camera and adjusting the trigger delay, and finding new solutions after a failed attempt. Finally, for each motif, it is explained in more detail how to process the images with the help of advanced software tools for processing photos (combining several photos into one, color correction).

Keywords:high-speed photography, photography, studio, water, camera settings, photo editing

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