
Elementi psihoterapije v pisanju poezije : magistrsko delo
ID Kržišnik, Eva (Author), ID Jerebic, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo pojasnjuje vzporednice med pisanjem poezije in procesom psihoterapije. Pomembna povezava med njima je sicer utemeljena, priznana in v praksi uporabljena v terapiji s poezijo, pričujoča raziskava pa se osredotoča na poezijo in psihoterapijo kot ločeni in vključuje še element deljenja lastne poezije z javnostjo, kot je to mogoče na vse bolj razširjenem družbenem omrežju Instagram. Empirični del vsebuje podatke, pridobljene v intervjujih z desetimi pesnicami in pesniki, ki svoje avtorsko delo tudi objavljajo in delijo z drugimi na družbenem omrežju Instagram. Raziskava je kvalitativne narave, pri čemer je uporabljena metoda utemeljene teorije. Rezultati kažejo, da pesniki pisanje poezije doživljajo kot vrsto samopomoči v času stisk, kot medij za izražanje misli in čustev ter kot način procesiranja in osmišljanja dogodkov vsakdanjega življenja. Pisanje poezije prinaša številne spremembe, ki so primerljive s pričakovanimi učinki obiskovanja psihoterapije. (Anonimno) deljenje svoje poezije za pesnike pomeni tudi delitev lastnih izkušenj in jim daje možnost, da od drugih prejmejo odziv. Izsledki raziskave, podkrepljeni z že obstoječimi raziskavami in literaturo na to temo, so lahko v pomoč pesnikom za boljše razumevanje sebe in svojega umetniškega ustvarjanja, terapevtom kot spodbuda za uporabo poezije znotraj terapije ter navdih posameznikom, ki iščejo načine za (samo)izražanje in skrb za lastno duševno zdravje.

Keywords:poezija, psihoterapija, terapija s poezijo, Instagram, duševno zdravje, utemeljena teorija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Kržišnik]
Number of pages:V, 96, I str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147319 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:157568515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Elements of psychotherapy in poetry-writing
This master's thesis explains parallels between poetry-writing and psychotherapy. An important connexion between these elements may be grounded, recognised and used in practise in poetry therapy, while this research focuses on poetry and psychotherapy separately, additionally including the element of sharing one's own poetry publicly, as it is made possible on an increasingly widespread social media platform, Instagram. The empirical part contains data gathered through interviews conducted with ten poets, who publish and share their own work with other people on the Instagram social media platform. The nature of this research is qualitative, using the grounded theory method. The results show that poets experience poetry-writing as a form of self-help in times of distress, as a medium to express their thoughts and emotions, and as a way to process and make sense of everyday events. Poetry-writing brings about numerous changes, comparable to the expected effects of psychotherapy. From poets’ point of view, sharing poetry (anonymously) means sharing their own experience and provides them with the opportunity to receive feedback from others. The results of this research, supported by existing studies and literature in this field, may be of assistance to poets to better understand themselves and their artistic creation, to therapists as an incentive to use poetry within therapy, and as an inspiration to individuals searching for ways to (self-)express and care for their own mental health.

Keywords:poetry, psychotherapy, poetry therapy, Instagram, mental health, grounded theory

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