
Analiza sestave hidrolatov navadnega rožmarina (Salvia rosmarinus) na slovenskem trgu
ID Aubreht, Gašper (Author), ID Kočevar Glavač, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kokalj Ladan, Meta (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi smo proučevali sestavo hidrolatov navadnega rožmarina (Salvia rosma-rinus) z metodo plinske kromatografije, sklopljene z masno spektrometrijo (GC-MS). Hidro-lati so raztopine hlapnih vodotopnih komponent, nastalih pri destilaciji rastlinske droge. Trenutno so za razliko od eteričnih olj veliko manj raziskani, predvsem glede kemijske sestave, mehanizma delovanja in uporabe v medicinske namene. V sklopu našega raziskovalnega dela smo od 11 proizvajalcev na tržišču pridobili hidrolate navadnega rožmarina (Salvia rosmarinus), v laboratoriju pa smo z metodama parne in vodne destilacije iz sveže nabranih listov navadnega rožmarina pripravili tudi svoja hidrolata. Z metodo GC-MS smo analizirali kemijsko sestavo hidrolatov in njihovih ekstraktov. Sestavo hidrolatov s tržišča smo analizirali v mesecu juniju in avgustu, medtem ko smo za hidrolata, pripravljena v laboratoriju, analizo sestave izvedli v osmih časovnih točkah v obdobju dveh mesecev. Polovico vsakega hidrolata smo med časovnimi točkami shranjevali na sobni tem-peraturi, drugo polovica pa v hladilniku. S pomočjo raztopin standardov znane koncentracije smo petim najpogosteje zastopanim spojinam v hidrolatih določili njihove koncentracije v vzorcih. Pri analizah hidrolatov v mesecu avgustu smo praviloma detektirali več spojin kot v mesecu juniju, koncentracije verbenona oziroma kafre kot najbolj zastopane spojine v hidrolatih pa so bile praviloma višje v mesecu avgustu. Ugotovili smo, da imajo hidrolati s tržišča in v laboratoriju pripravljena hidrolata podobno splošno sestavo, saj so v vseh hidrolatih prevla-dovali monoterpenoidi. Hidrolati s tržišča so vsebovali več spojin, ki so bile prisotne v višjih koncentracijah. Koncentracija evkaliptola je bila v hidrolatu s tržišča, ki je vseboval največ evkaliptola, za 5300 % višja kot v primeru hidrolata, pripravljenega v laboratoriju. Ostanki suhe mase po sušenju so bili v primeru vseh hidrolatov manjši od 1%. pH vrednosti hidrola-tov so se pričakovano gibale v kislem območju in so imele vrednosti med 3,22 in 6,91. Čas in temperatura shranjevanja nista imela vpliva na kislost hidrolatov. Pri oceni organoleptičnih lastnosti hidrolatov skozi čas nismo opazili pomembnih sprememb.

Keywords:destilacija, ekstrakcija, hidrolat, metoda GC-MS, navadni rožmarin (Salvia rosmarinus)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147309 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Composition analysis of rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) hydrolates on Slovenian market
In the master's thesis, we investigated the composition of hydrosols of common rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) using the method of gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrome-try (GC-MS). Hydrolates are solutions of volatile water-soluble components formed during the distillation of herbal drugs. In contrast to essential oils, hydrosols have been poorly stud-ied in terms of their chemical composition, mechanisms of action, and use for medicinal purposes. As part of our research, we obtained hydrolates of common rosemary from 11 producers, and prepared our own hydrolates from freshly picked rosemary leaves in the laboratory using steam and water distillation. We analyzed the chemical composition of the hydrolates and their extracts using the GC-MS method. The composition of the hydrolates from the market was analyzed in June and August, while the composition of the hydrolates prepared in the laboratory was analyzed at eight time points over two-month period. Half of each hydrolate was stored at room temperature and the other half in the refrigerator. Using standard solu-tions of known concentration, we determined the concentrations in the samples of the five compounds most commonly present in the hydrolates. We found that in August we detected more compounds than in June and that the concentra-tions of camphor or verbenone, the most abundand compound in hydrosols, were higher in August than the concentrations of camphor in June. We found that hydrolates from the mar-ket and laboratory prepared hydrolates have similar compositions, as monoterpenoids domi-nated in all hydrolates. We found that hydrolates from the market contained more com-pounds, which were present in higher concentration. The concentration of eucalyptol in hy-drolate from the market, which contained the highest concentration of eucalyptol, was 5300% higher than in hydrolates prepared in laboratory. The dry matter residues after drying were less than 1% for all hydrolates. As expected, the pH values of the hydrolates varied in the acidic range between 3.22 and 6.91. Storage time and temperature did not affect the acid-ity of the samples. When evaluating the organoleptic properties of the hydrolates over time, we did not observe any particular changes in the appearance of the hydrosols.

Keywords:distillation, extraction, GC-MS method, hydrosol, rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)

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