In my thesis, I discuss three drawings in chalk technique on paper, which are works of art created by the painter Franc Košar. The drawings are owned by Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota and were given to the Center za konserviranje in restavriranje in the Arhiv Republike Slovenije to undergo conservation and restoration work. Firstly I will briefly present the author and his work, followed by a presentation of drawing techniques and paper, a description of the conservation-restoration of the drawing Akt moškega s palico v levici (Nude of man with a stick in his left hand) that took place in collaboration with the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. Finally, I decribe a proposal for a suitable framing method for the drawings which will be carried out in the Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota, as well as recommendations on suitable microclimate conditions for displaying and storing works of art.