
Primerjava izražanja genov za imunomodulatorne molekule v mezenhimskih matičnih/ stromalnih celicah bolnikov z zgodnjimi degenerativnimi spremembami kolka
ID Trstenjak, Staša (Author), ID Zupan, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stražar, Klemen (Comentor)

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Mezenhimske matične/stromalne celice (MSC) so podskupina heterogenih, nehematopoetskih fibroblastom podobnih celic. Njihova fiziološka vloga je vzdrževanje homeostaze tkiv, predvsem s proliferacijo, diferenciacijo in s sproščanjem rastnih dejavnikov in imunomodulatorjev. Zaradi teh edinstvenih karakteristik so MSC privlačne za področje regenerativne medicine, vnetnih bolezni in zdravljenje raka. Eno izmed potencialnih bolezni za zdravljenje z MSC predstavlja kronična degenerativna bolezen osteoartroza (OA). Najbolj očiten sindrom OA je okvara sklepnega hrustanca, ki je posledica degeneracije zunajceličnega matriksa. Zaradi nezmožnosti lastne regeneracije po poškodbi, ki je lahko vzrok za OA, se za zdravljenje sklepnega hrustanca raziskuje uporaba MSC. Te imajo poleg sposobnosti diferenciacije tudi vlogo pri uravnavanju imunskega odziva. MSC namreč delujejo na imunske celice z različnimi imunomodulatornimi učinki posredovanimi s topnimi dejavniki ali neposredno preko medceličnih stikov. Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti razlike v izražanju genov za imunomodulatorne molekule v MSC pridobljenih iz različnih tkiv kolka preiskovancev z degenerativnimi spremembami kolka ter tistimi brez, da bi ugotovili, če imajo katere od teh MSC boljši imunomodulatorni potencial. Vzorci so bili pridobljeni med artroskopskim posegom na kolku, in sicer iz treh tkiv sinovije in stebrička trabekularne kosti stegnenice. Primarne MSC smo namnožili v pogojih in vitro ter iz njih izolirali RNA. Pred analizo vzorcev smo optimizirali metodo kvantitativno verižno reakcijo s polimerazo (qPCR) za merjenje izražanja 8 genov za imunomodulatorne molekule kot so indolamin 2.3-dioksigenaza 1 (IDO1), interlevkin 1 beta (IL1B), ligand za programirano celično smrt (PDL1), adhezijski protein vaskularnih celic 1 (VCAM1), hepatocitni rastni dejavnik (HGF), kompleks tkivne skladnosti pri človeku G (HLA-G), s TNF-α induciran protein 6 (TNFAIP6) in antagonist receptorja za interlevkin 1 (IL1RA). Na podlagi optimizacije smo za nadaljnjo analizo izbrali 6 genov (PDL1, VCAM1, HGF, HLA-G, TNFAIP6 in IL1RA). Rezultate pridobljene s qPCR smo nato normalizirali glede na izbran referenčni gen GAPDH in jih primerjali med bolniki z zgodnjo OA in tistimi brez ter med različnimi tkivi. Preverili smo tri hipoteze, in sicer: 1.) izražanje genov za imunomodulatorne molekule se razlikuje med MSC bolnikov z zgodnjo OA v primerjavi s tistimi brez OA, 2.) izražanje genov za imunomodulatorne molekule se razlikuje med MSC iz različnih tkiv bolnikov z zgodnjo OA in 3.) izražanje genov za imunomodulatorne molekule se razlikuje med MSC iz različnih tkiv bolnikov brez OA. Delno smo potrdili le prvo hipotezo za gen HGF, drugi dve pa zavrgli. Gen HGF se približno 4-krat bolj izraža v MSC bolnikov brez OA v primerjavi s tistimi z zgodnjo OA, kar predstavlja pomembno osnovo za nadaljnje raziskave imunomodulatornih učinkov MSC pri OA. Z našo študijo nismo identificirali tkivno-specifičnih MSC z imunomodulatornim potencialom verjetno zaradi premajhnega števila vzorcev, zato predlagamo dodatne študije na večjem številu preiskovancev.

Keywords:mezenhimske matične/stromalne celice, osteoartroza, izražanje genov, imunomodulatorne molekule, qPCR
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The comparison of gene expression of immunomodulatory molecules in mesenchymal stem/ stromal cells from patients with early degenerative changes of the hip
Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are a subset of heterogeneous, non-haematopoietic fibroblast-like cells. Their physiological role is to maintain tissue homeostasis, mainly through proliferation, differentiation, and the release of growth factors and immunomodulators. These unique characteristics make MSCs attractive for regenerative medicine, inflammatory diseases, and cancer treatment. One of the potential diseases for MSC therapy is osteoarthritis (OA), chronic degenerative disease of the joints. The most obvious syndrome of OA is articular cartilage damage resulting from degeneration of the extracellular matrix. Due to the inability of the articular cartilage to regenerate itself after injury, which may be the cause of OA, the use of MSCs for the treatment of articular cartilage is being investigated. In the addition to their differentiation capacity, MSCs also play a role in regulating immune response. MSCs act on immune cells through various immunomodulatory effects mediated by soluble factors or directly via intercellular contacts. The aim of this thesis is to determine the differences in gene expression of immunomodulatory molecules in MSCs obtained from different hip tissues of subjects with and without degenerative hip lesions, to determine if any of these MSCs have a better immunomodulatory potential. Samples were obtained during hip arthroscopy from three tissues of the synovium and the femoral trabecular bone column. Primary MSCs were amplified under in vitro conditions and RNA was isolated from them. Prior to sample analysis, we optimised the quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method to measure the expression of 8 genes for immunomodulatory molecules such as indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1), interleukin 1 beta (IL1B), programmed cell death ligand 1 (PDL1), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G), TNF-α-induced protein 6 (TNFAIP6), and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1RA). Based on optimisation we selected 6 genes for further analysis (PDL1, VCAM1, HGF, HLA-G, TFNAIP6 and IL1RA). The results were then normalised to the selected GAPDH reference gene and compared between patients with and without early OA and between different tissues. Three hypotheses were tested: 1.) gene expression for immunomodulatory molecules differs between MSCs from patients with early OA compared to those without OA, 2.) gene expression for immunomodulatory molecules differs between MSCs from different tissues from patient with early OA and 3.) gene expression for immunomodulatory molecules differs between MSCs from different tissues from patients without OA. Only the first hypothesis was partially confirmed for the HGF gene, while the other two were rejected. The HGF gene is approximately 4 times more highly expressed in MSCs from patient without OA compared to those with early OA, which provides an important basis for further investigation of the immunomodulatory effects of MSCs in OA. Our study did not identify tissue specific MSCs with immunomodulatory potential, probably due to insufficient sample numbers, and we suggest further studies in a larger number of subjects.

Keywords:mesenchymal stem/stromal cells, osteoarthritis, gene expression, immunomodulatory molecules, qPCR

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