
Vpliv duševne motnje staršev na otroke in v družino usmerjene intervencije zdravstvene nege : diplomsko delo
ID Bartol, Urša (Author), ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Thaler, Darja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Število oseb, ki ima diagnosticirano duševno motnjo, se z leti povečuje. Te osebe v družbi prevzemajo različne vloge, med drugim vlogo staršev, kar pomeni, da narašča tudi število otrok, ki živijo s staršem z duševno motnjo. Duševna motnja staršev v kombinaciji z drugimi dejavniki predstavlja različna tveganja za otrokovo dobro počutje in duševno zdravje ter tveganje za transgeneracijski prenos bolezni. Z različnimi intervencijami zdravstvene nege lahko medicinske sestre zmanjšajo dejavnike tveganja in krepijo varovalne dejavnike za preprečevanje negativnega vpliva duševne motnje staršev na otroke. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti dejavnike tveganja in varovalne dejavnike ter raziskati aktivnosti zdravstvene nege, ki pripomorejo k zmanjševanju negativnega vpliva duševne motnje starša na otroke. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom tuje znanstvene literature. Iskanje je potekalo v mednarodnih bazah podatkov CINAHL Ultimate, MEDLINE in SocINDEX with Full Text. V diplomsko delo smo vključili 29 enot literature: 15 za prvo in 14 za drugo raziskovalno vprašanje. Rezultati: Iz pregledane literature smo povzeli dejavnike tveganja ter varovalne dejavnike, ki zmanjšujejo negativen vpliv duševne motnje staršev na otroke. Kot najpomembnejše vloge medicinske sestre smo izpostavili: identifikacija otrok in statusa starša, vključevanje vseh članov družine v načrt zdravstvene obravnave osebe z duševno motnjo, pomoč staršem pri informiranju otrok o duševni motnji, psihoedukacija, zagovorništvo ter sodelovanje z drugimi službami in napotitev staršev in otrok v podporne programe. Razprava in zaključek: Medicinske sestre v službah za duševno zdravje odraslih imajo možnost identifikacije otrok oseb z duševno motnjo in pravočasno nudenje preventivnih intervencij, ki bi zmanjšale negativen vpliv. Pri tem jim pomaga poznavanje dejavnikov tveganja in varovalnih dejavnikov. Delovanje medicinskih sester pa ni odvisno samo od individualnih, ampak predvsem od organizacijskih dejavnikov. Na voljo morajo biti izobraževalni programi, ki medicinske sestre opolnomočijo za delo z otroki in družinami, standardi in smernice, ki vodijo njihovo delovanje, ter podporni programi, kamor lahko otroke in starše napotijo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, otroci staršev z duševno motnjo, dejavniki tveganja, varovalni dejavniki, aktivnosti medicinske sestre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Bartol]
Number of pages:34 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147203 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:157457411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of parental mental disorder on children and family-focused nursing interventions : diploma work
Introduction: The number of people diagnosed with a mental disorder is increasing over the years. These people have different roles in society, including the parental role, which means that the number of children living with a parent with a mental disorder is also increasing. The mental disorder of the parents, combined with other factors, poses various risks for the child's well-being and mental health, as well as the risk of transgenerational transmission of the disease. Through various nursing interventions, nurses can reduce risk factors and strengthen protective factors to prevent the negative impact of parental mental disorder on children Purpose: The purpose is to define risk factors and protective factors and to investigate nursing interventions that help reduce the negative impact of parental mental disorder on children Methods: We used a descriptive work method with a review of foreign scientific literature. The search was conducted on the international databases CINAHL Ultimate, MEDLINE and SocINDEX with Full Text. We included 29 articles: 15 for the first and 14 for the second research question. Results: From the reviewed literature, we summarized risk factors and protective factors that reduce the negative impact of parental mental disorders on children. As the most important roles of nurses, we highlighted: identification of children and parental status, inclusion of all family members in the medical treatment plan of a person with a mental disorder, to help parents in giving information about mental disorders to children, psychoeducation, advocacy and cooperation with other services and referral of parents and children to support programs. Discussion and conclusion: Nurses in adult mental health services have the opportunity to identify children of parents with mental disorders and provide early preventive interventions that would reduce the negative impact. Knowledge of risk factors and protective factors helps nurses in their work. The practice of nurses does not depend only on individual factors, but above all on organizational factors. There must be educational programs that empowers nurses to work with children and families, standards and guidelines that guide their work, and support programs to which children and parents can be referred.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, children of parents with mental disorder, risk factors, protective factors, nursing interventions

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